Glossary (UWN)

Glossary of Terms

The following Glossary of Terms is meant to be an information resource and reference of commonly and uncommonly used terms, formatted for use in the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, and arranged alphabetically. This list will change over time.

  • 2FA - Two Factor Authentication.
  • ACK - Acknowledgment.
  • ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
  • acpid - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Daemon.
  • AGPLv3 - Affero General Public License, see
  • AHCI - Advanced Host Controller Interface.
  • API - Application Programming Interface.
  • APT - Advanced Persistent Threat.
  • AMA - Ask Me Anything.
  • ARM - Advanced Risc Machine [architecture].
  • BAR - Base Address Registers.
  • BGP - Border Gateway Protocol ā† looks at all of the available paths.
  • BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Daemon.
  • BOF - Birds of a Feather - An informal discussion group, based on a shared interest, discussing without a pre-planned agenda.
  • BPB - BIOS Parameter Block.
  • BTRFS - B-Tree File System
  • BTS - Debian Bug Tracking System -
  • CC - Community Council - Ubuntu Community Council
  • CC - Creative Commons.
  • CLI - Command Line Interface.
  • CMS - Content Management System.
  • CoC - Code of Conduct -
  • COW - Copy-On-Write mechanism in the Linux kernel.
  • CSR - Certificate Signing Request.
  • CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
  • DD - Debian Developer.
  • DE - Desktop environment ā† The presentation layer that includes the desktop, toolbars, window decorations, other styling elements.
  • DFSG - Debian Free Software Guidelines
  • DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
  • d-i - debian-installer
  • DIF - Debian Import Freeze - After this point, packages arenā€™t automatically imported from Debian when updated. Time to focus on bugfixing & integration
  • DIT - Directory Information Tree, for implementations of LDAP.
  • DIY - Do It Yourself
  • DMB - Developer Membership Board.
  • DNS - Domain Name System.
  • DPMS - Display Power Management Signaling.
  • DPMT - Debian Python Module Team -
  • DRBD - a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters.
  • DRM - Direct Rendering Manager.
  • EOL - End Of Life.
  • ESM - Canonical offers paid Extended Security Maintenance support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly. >> termimal command: ua status.
  • ESP - EFI System Partition.
  • EVDO - Evolution-Data Optimized wireless communication.
  • FF - Feature Freeze.
  • FFe - Feature Freeze exception.
  • FLOSS - Free Libre Open Source Software.
  • FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out.
  • FOSS - Free Open Source Software.
  • FOSDEM - Free and Open Source Software Developersā€™ European Meeting.
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol.
  • FTBFS - Fails To Build From Source. - For example when building a package with debuild (
  • FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
  • GA - General Availability.
  • GCN - Graphics Core Next.
  • GDM - GNOME Display Manager.
  • give-back - Give back to the builder - Retry a build.
  • GPG - GNU Privacy Guard - GnuPrivacyGuardHowto - Community Help Wiki
  • GPL - General Public License.
  • GPU - Graphics Processing Unit.
  • GSMA - Groupe Speciale Mobile Association.
  • GUADEC - GNOME Usersā€™ And Developersā€™ European Conference.
  • GTK - GNOME Tool Kit ā† ubuntu DE >> a toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
  • GUI - Graphical User Interface.
  • HA - High Availability.
  • HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer
  • HDD - Hard Disk Drive
  • ICT - Information and Communitcation Technology.
  • IDE - Integrated Development Environment.
  • IM - Instant Messaging.
  • IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol.
  • IOPS - Input/Output Operations Per Second.
  • IP - Intellectual Property. A term used as a blanket to cover Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents.
  • IPsec - Internet Protocol Security.
  • IRC - Internet Relay Chat.
  • ISA - Instruction Set Architecture
  • ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Also, the suffix given to disk images that comply with the conventional Standards format.
  • ISV - Independent Software Vendors.
  • ITA - Intent To Adopt -
  • ITP - Intent To Package -
  • JDK - (OpenJDK) Java Developerā€™s Kit.
  • KML - Keyhole Markup Language: an XML-based language schema for expressing geographic annotation and visualization.
  • KVM - Kernel based Virtual Machine.
  • LAMP - Linux, Apache, My``SQL, Perl (or some say PHP).
  • LAPP - Linux, Apache, Postgre``SQL, Perl (or some say PHP).
  • LCD - Liquid Crystal Display.
  • LD - Local Directory.
  • LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
  • LGPL - Lesser General Public License.
  • LGTM - Looks Good To Me.
  • LLVM - Low-Level Virtual Machine ā†
  • LP - Launch``Pad - LaunchPad - Ubuntu Wiki Ubuntu in Launchpad
  • LKML - Linux Kernel Mailing List.
  • LoCo - Local Community
  • LPI - Launchpad Integration.
  • LRM - linux-restricted-modules
  • LTS - Long Term Support. - Said of a release that will receive support for 3-years/5-years rather than the typical 18 months
  • LTSP - Linux Terminal Server Project.
  • LUKS - Linux Unified Key Setup - disk encryption.
  • LUG - Linux Userā€™s Group.
  • LVFS - Linux Vendor Firmware Service
  • LVM - Logical Volume Manager.
  • MC - MOTU Council -
  • MIA - Missing In Action.
  • MID - Mobile Internet Device.
  • MIR - Main Inclusion Report -
  • MOK - Machine Owner Key
  • MoM - Merge-o-Matic - The official Ubuntu merge system, which lists outstanding packages where there has been a Debian upload since the last Ubuntu upload.
  • MOTU - Master Of The Universe - Developers responsible for the Universe and Multiverse repositories. MOTU - Ubuntu Wiki
  • MOTU SWAT - MOTU Special Weapons And Tactics - Handles Universe Security
  • MRE - Micro Release Exception.
  • MTA - Mail Transport Agent - programs that accept messages from senders and route them along to their final recipients.
  • MUA - Mail User Agent - the program you use to read and send mail from your own personal computer.
  • NAS - Network-attached storage.
  • NBS - Not Built from Source - Packages no longer built from source, and therefore candidates for removal from the archives. UbuntuDevelopment/NBS - Ubuntu Wiki
  • NGO - Non-governmental Organization.
  • NMU - Non-maintainer upload - Term from the Debian world. When someone other than the formal maintainer uploads a package, f.ex. containing a bug fix
  • NTFS - the standard file system of Windows NT.
  • NTP - Network Time Protocol.
  • NTR - Nonprofit Technology Resources.
  • NUC - Next Unit of Computing / a small-form-factor personal computer designed by Intel.
  • ODF - Open Document Format.
  • OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer.
  • OP - Original Poster.
  • OS - Operating System.
  • OSCON - The Oā€™Reilly Open Source Convention.
  • OSD - On Screen Display.
  • OSS - Open Source Software.
  • OTFC - Open and Free Technology Community - #debian-python is on the OFTC IRC network (for example to get a nearby server). #ubuntu-motu is on the freenode IRC network (for example to get a nearby server)
  • OTR - Off-the-Record Messaging ā† private conversation with the person you want to initiate a secure session.
  • PAM - Pluggable Authentication Module.
  • PAPT - Python Applications Packaging Team - Debian packaging team of python programs which donā€™t provide public modules
  • PaaS - Platform-as-a-Service
  • PDA - Personal Digital Assistant.
  • POC - Proof Of Concept.
  • POP3 - Post Office Protocol version 3.
  • PPA - Personal Package Archive - Packaging/PPA - Launchpad Help
  • PPA - Personal Project Archive.
  • PSA - Public Service Announcemnet
  • PWA - Progressive Web Application.
  • Q&A - Question And Answer.
  • QA - Quality Assurance.
  • RC - Release Candidate.
  • RC - Release Critical
  • Retpoline - short for RETurn tramPOLINE
  • RFC - Request For Comments.
  • RFP - Request For Package -
  • RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  • RMA - Return erchandise authorization.
  • RMB - Regional Membership Board.
  • RNG - Random Number Generator
  • ROCK - Recognized Of Considerable Knowledge - Used as a compliment
  • ROM - Request Of Maintainer.
  • RoQA - Requested by the QA team.
  • RT - Request tracker.
  • SaaS - Software as a Service.
  • sabdfl - Self Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life - Mark Shuttleworth.
  • SASL - Simple Authentication and Security Layer: a framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols.
  • SELinux - Security-Enhanced Linux.
  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization.
  • SFD - Software Freedom Day.
  • SIM - Subscriber Identity Module - these cards mostly just identify you to your cell carrier.
  • SoC - System on a Chip.
  • SoHo - Small Office, Home Office.
  • SMB - Small, Medium sized Business
  • SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
  • SRU - Stable release updates. - StableReleaseUpdates - Ubuntu Wiki
  • SSD - Solid State Drive.
  • SSDM - Simple Desktop Display Manager - Kubuntu (KDE) and Lubuntu (LXQt).
  • SSH - Secure SHell - a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices.
  • SSL - Secure Sockets Layer.
  • svm - Support Vector Machine.
  • SWAT - Samba Web Administration Tool.
  • TB - Technical Board -
  • TCK - Technology Compatibility Kit.
  • TED - Technology, Entertainment, Design.
  • TIAS - Try It And See.
  • TIL - Touched-It-Last - The last person who uploaded a package. Heā€™s responsible for syncing or merging it when a new development cycle starts.
  • TIL - Today I Learned
  • TLD - Top Level Domains sit at the highest level - ā€œcomā€, ā€œorgā€, ā€œgovā€, ā€œnetā€, and ā€œedu".
  • Tls - Transport Layer Security, successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
  • TL;DR - Too long; didnā€™t read.
  • UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit.
  • UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud.
  • UEHS - Ubuntu External Health Status -
  • UF - Ubuntu Forums.
  • UME - Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded.
  • u-m-s - ubuntu-main-sponsors - Sponsor list for packages that are in main or restricted
  • unmetdeps - UNMET DEPendencieS - Packages that cannot be installed as the dependencies cannot be satisfied.
  • UNE - Ubuntu Netbook Edition.
  • Unity - Ubuntuā€™s New Desktop Shell
  • UNR - Ubuntu Netbook Remix.
  • USB - Universal Serial Bus.
  • UTC - Coordinated Universal Time: UTC replaced GMT as the basis for the main reference time scale or civil time in various regions on January 1, 1972.
  • u-u-s - ubuntu-universe-sponsors - Sponsor list for packages that are in universe or multiverse
  • VCS - Version Control Systems
  • UVF - Upstream Version Freeze
  • UWN - Ubuntu Weekly News
  • VGA - Video Graphics Array.
  • VM - Virtual Machine
  • VNC - Virtual Network Computing.
  • VPN - Virtual Private Network.
  • WNPP - Work-Needing and Prospective Packages - List of packages in need of new maintainers and prospective packages in Debian
  • WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access.
  • WS-Security - Web Service Security.
  • YAML - YAML Ainā€™t Markup Language.