Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 870

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 870 for the week of December 8 - 14, 2024.

In this Issue

  • Ubuntu Stats
  • Hot in Support
  • Rocks Public Journal; 2024-12-13
  • Other Meeting Reports
  • Upcoming Meetings and Events
  • LoCo Events
  • Announcing the Multipass 1.15.0 release
  • Kernel 6.14 planned for Plucky Puffin
  • Canonical News
  • In the Blogosphere
  • Other Articles of Interest
  • Featured Audio and Video
  • Updates and Security for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04, and 24.10
  • And much more!

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

  • Open: 145101 (-7)
  • Critical: 310 (0)
  • Unconfirmed: 73728 (+64)

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad


  • German: 86.88% (46048/290)
  • Ukrainian: 86.22% (48360/1448)
  • French: 84.85% (53199/6602)
  • Swedish: 79.86% (70710/993)
  • Spanish: 76.91% (81059/5080)

Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

Ask (and answer!) questions at: https://askubuntu.com/

Ubuntu Community Discourse Trending Top 5 Threads

Find more support at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/support-and-help/306

Meeting Reports

LXD: Weekly news #375

This past week LXD received some bug fixes and new options for unix-hotplug devices, enabling matching devices by their subsystem, and allowing device ownership to be inherited from the host.


Rocks Public Journal; 2024-12-13

Some new exciting package slices have been added to the latest chisel-releases, including nginx, redis, python3-pip and tzdata-legacy: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/rocks-public-journal-2024-12-13/51151.

Other Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Times shown are UTC unless otherwise specified. For more details and farther dates please visit: https://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ | https://discourse.ubuntu.com/upcoming-events

LoCo News

Ubuntu 24.10 Release party and 20th Anniversary @ GNOME Asia’24

Aryan Kaushik tells us the GNOME Asia 2024 conference was December 6-8 in Bengaluru India. A release party for Ubuntu 24.10, and to celebrate Ubuntu’s 20th anniversary was held ‘alongside the GNOME community’ there too. Aryan tells us of a talk he gave and mentions the Ubuntu India LoCo, with a link provided so we can watch it on youtube. Many photos are included. Thanks are given to Canonical and CDA for funding, and to Aaditya Singh, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini, Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman, Mauro Gaspari, Ananthu CV, Siddhartha Sitaula and more who helped organize the event.


LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the respective LoCo Team calendar to browse upcoming events.

Please see:

The Hub

Announcing the Multipass 1.15.0 release

Ricardo Abreu provides the release notes for Multipass 1.15.0. We’re firstly told the new features in this release, which includes links for those needing more, and a note that macOS 12 is no longer supported. We’re also told of other highlights: which include bugs fixed, new contributors, and we are given details of where we can file issues or provide feedback.


Kernel 6.14 planned for Plucky Puffin

Timo Aaltonen tells us that Ubuntu 25.04 (plucky puffin) is planning to ship with the 6.14 kernel. We’re reminded of deadlines for the release, and given the reasoning on why 6.14 is expected.


Canonical News

In the Blogosphere

Ptyxis Becomes Ubuntu’s Recommended Replacement To GNOME Terminal

Michael Larabel reminds us that Ubuntu Desktop has recently offered GNOME Console as an alternative to GNOME Terminal, but that may soon be replaced by Ptyxis. We’re given some background of the Ptyxis terminal, offered with Ubuntu 24.10, under development that is led by Christian Hergert. We’re told of some reflections of Ubuntu Desktop team member Jeremy Bicha, which led to Michael’s thinking expressed here.


Miracle-WM 0.4 Released With i3 IPC Support

Michael Larabel reminds us Miracle-WM is a Mir-based Wayland tiling window manager, and writes about the release of Miracle-WM 0.4. We’re told this release focuses on i3 IPC support, telling us how this is useful. But Michael notes some i3 IPC features are missing, even though the release is largely complete. We’re given a quote from Miracle-WM’s developer Matthew Kosarek, a screenshot, and links for more.


Intel Begins Readying Graphics Driver Changes For The Linux 6.14 Kernel

Michael Larabel reminds us of the Linux 6.13 timeline, and writes about pull requests to DRM-Next made by Intel software engineers for the 6.14 kernel. We’re given some details, links to the requests, and told to stay tuned for more as it comes.


Other Articles of Interest

Featured Audio and Video

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: Episode 328 - Reunião de Pies

“Continuam as discussões sobre auto-alojamento («self-hosting»), onde recebemos sugestões e opiniões de ouvintes que exploraram esse tema; o Miguel continua a não poder usar um VPN no telefone; abordámos o roteiro de lançamento da próxima versão de Ubuntu, Plucky Puffin e o próximo encontro da Comunidade em Sintra; demos as boas-vindas a novos Snaps criados pela Comunidade e babámos um bocadinho com novos brinquedos da gama Raspberry Pi! E no fim, os patronos tiveram direito a um teatro de fantoches com a República.”


Ubuntu OnAir: Ubuntu Summit 2024 | Fuzzing in the open: Integrate your project in OSS-Fuzz for continuous fuzzing

"‘12,000 bugs in open-source software written mostly in memory-unsafe languages’ is a line that will capture the attention of an application security engineer. This is the number of bugs discovered by OSS-Fuzz, a service provided by Google to fuzz critical open source projects.
In this workshop, our speakers provide a dynamic runthrough of how to integrate your open source projects with OSS-Fuzz, including:

  1. Understanding what fuzzing is and how it works
  2. Running fuzzers locally on their development hosts
  3. Writing fuzzing harnesses
  4. Investigating crashes to find their root causes
  5. Writing and submitting patches for vulnerable code"


Ubuntu OnAir: Ubuntu Summit 2024 | Live build your submarine step-by-step

“In this practical demonstration of the boundless potential of open source, Juanmi Taboada (Full Stack & Software Analyst) provides a live demonstration in which he assembles a submarine, including the software used during the assembly process.”


Ubuntu OnAir: Ubuntu Summit 2024 | Inkscape For Everything

“In this talk, Christopher Rogers (International Artist and Senior Graphic Designer at Freehive) gives you a practical runthrough of how you can unlock the amazing potential of Inkscape, a free amd open source vector graphics editor. In this session, Christopher takes you from charts and diagrams, illustrations and socail media templates to planning, PDF creation, fully non-destructive photo editing and even full-scale construction projects.”


Ubuntu OnAir: DH-036 - Interview with Joost from FreeSewing[.]org

‘We speak to Joost, founder and Benevolent Dictator for Life of FreeSewing[.]org. We ask him about building a community of 100,000 users, how he approaches documentation, and how dropping out of college ultimately led to success. Huge thank you to Joost for joining us!’

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWyzQ3ChZ1I | https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/odh-36-freesewing-org/51045

Updates and Security for Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04, and 24.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 20.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2025

Ubuntu 22.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2027

Ubuntu 24.04 Updates

End of standard support: April 2029

Ubuntu 24.10 Updates

End of Life: July 2025


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Or follow us via our various social media presences:


You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Archive

Further News

As always you can find more Ubuntu news and announcements at:


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Krytarik Raido
  • Bashing-om
  • Chris Guiver
  • Wild Man
  • Din Mušić
  • Cristovao Cordeiro - cjdc
  • And many others

Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/glossary-uwn/42405

Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It’s your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu. More on this at: https://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/

Or get involved with the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter team! We always need summary writers and editors, if you’re interested, learn more at: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/joining-the-ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-team/40929


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-news-team and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-ideas/40053/. If you’d like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical support questions, please check https://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/ for more information on where to get help.

Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License.

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