Do you have an idea for what might be included in the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter?
Please edit this page with any ideas of what you want to see included in each issue. If you don’t tell the team what you want to see then they won’t be aware of what the thousands of UWN readers might want included either on a regular basis or from time to time.
I am manning a table on Software Freedom Day, Sept. 21 2024 at the Midwest Superfest in Chillicothe, Illinois representing the Ubuntu Illinois LoCo. Can this be included in the UWN?
Do you have a page, or link that maybe worthwhile for inclusion, esp. those related to Ubuntu… (like on this site under Ubuntu Illinois - Ubuntu Community Hub maybe)
You’ve brought this to our [Ubuntu News] attention, so as long as it gets fixed before we publish (after the weekend) I don’t foresee any problems (assuming @bashing-om has no issues with it).
Thanks for trying though…
Correction… I now think you already are an Administrator… I do think we’ll need help from Aaron, so my ping was I suspect required… the issue maybe you’re a ‘new user’ of this discourse site, thus don’t have sufficient ‘trust’ level according to discourse rules…
We will be glad to include loco events in the NewsLetter. We can not,however, make up a story line ourselves; we can but summarize what others have written. Give us a paragraph and we write up a line.
Ham Radio is such a narrow field of interest, we could only include radio as an aside to what your LoCo presents as Ubuntu specific.
Hello @zmef42,
I’m thrilled to hear about your upcoming event for Ubuntu Illinois! I just gave you the proper rights to post in that category. I would also encourage you to post a event topic by following this step-by-step guide so it can appear in our community calendar.
Hi it’d be great to add the Starcraft Clinics meeting report in the weekly newsletter. One can find the meeting details in the snapcraft forum, under each week’s post. Like for last week,
Adding a “Weekly Meeting Reports” section to the NewsLetter is attractive and is easily done, However, as our work load is as great as it is presently, I would require that you personally assume the responsibility to enter and maintain the Starcraft Clinic’s entry in this proposed section. We do strive to meet the wants of the community; this may be a welcome addition.
We close out additions/edits on Sunday - to add this issue we must move quickly; a timely response is needed.
Yup, sure @bashing-om@guiverc I am taking up the responsibility to report anything that happens within the snapcraft community including the meeting. Thanks a lot!