Cannot post

I cannot find where one is supposed to start a message. What I want to do is to post one on the help category to do with a mouse that freezes my machine. I just spent a coujple of hours reading stuff and trying to figure it out. As far as I can tell all things that say that new posts go here or there are either not there or don’t work.



First, review What to do when you get Access Denied
When trying to ask a question, did you start here?

If those do not help, then…
Can you please be more specific about what links you have tried?
What didn’t work?
Were there errors? What exactly were they?

Screenshots of the entire web page, including the URL bar, would really help if some element of the website does not work.


Hello. I am getting access denied when I try to start a new topic but I seem to be able to reply.

New users can only start new topics in Support and Help. You may be trying to start a new topic in another section.

  • Folks seeking help or asking questions should start here

  • “Access Denied” typically means the person has wandered into a category reserved for developer discussion and collaboration, where new-person posting permission is withheld.

  • DON’T use a reply as a workaround to “sneak” your post in. That’s called ‘hijacking,’ and it’s rude. Your post is likely to be removed.


This was in support and help.

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That was a correct denial: You were, at that time, Trust Level 0 (new user).

Since then, you have progressed to Trust Level 1 through your ordinary exploratory activity and can now open new topics.

UPDATE: Earlier today, we expanded the range so TL0 can now post in Support and Help. New folks should no longer encounter this issue.

REMINDER: Folks should NOT hijack topics with unrelated issues.
That’s a quick ticket to getting banned.


I can certainly appreciate the concern about spam. I’d note the following 2 pain points thus far:

  1. “New users are now able to post immediately in the Support and Help category (only)” - This could be clarified so that people migrating from the forums who are seeking help get clear instructions on how best to proceed.
  2. I think it’s better to not make statements assuming intent or actions of users. The reason I chose to create an account and try to post here is because I’ve already searched here and elsewhere for the problem I’ve come across. My plan was to post to ubuntuforums and I followed the directions to come here to post instead, assuming this is the better option moving forward.

I appreciate that this is early and my intent is not to be critical. I’m sharing my experience because you have solicited feedback.

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I think the issue is that I went through the search and the docs before I had signed in / created the account. I created the account after I could not find sufficient information here or elsewhere.

I’d say add early to the welcome docs something like:

You will not be able to post into Help and Support until you reach Trust Level 1 (<- link this to details). Please consider creating an account or signing in prior to reading or searching further.

A better alternative, to me, would be to give clear instructions on error. "Access denied. You are currently at Trust Level 0. You need to be Trust Level 1 to post. Read access document (<- create and link) to learn more. I do not possess enough context on Discourse to know if that’s trivial or not.

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Hello, you can post in the support and help section with trust level 0 already, we created it that way to make it easy for new users of discourse but you can not post in any other category until you reach level 1 which only requires very little time and reading to get to know the site.

Welcome we are glad you are here and in no time you will be a pro using this site and they are working still to make it easier.


I will also admit I am confused. I don’t know how I get get to level 1 without weighing in on issues like this one…?

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You should be able to post in Support and Help as a new user. Make sure, though, that you are actually in that area and not somewhere else. You can use the “start here” link in the first post.

Doing some reading of a number of topics should get you into the next level. But I’m not sure how long it takes for the software to recognise your activity before making the promotion.

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Maybe helpful is this page



You should be able to post in Support and Help as a new user. Make sure, though, that you are actually in that area and not somewhere else. You can use the “start here” link in the first post.

I was getting an error “permision denied” within Support and Help. (E: Fixed now - seems the system take a little while.)
Pagelink useful, but it seems to have change since then:

Every new user gets a welcome PM mentioning the trust system and linking to this blog post, explaining that new users may be temporarily limited for safety reasons. They are also invited to start an optional interactive training conversation with discobot.

I don’t know if perhaps I already had a Discourse account attached to my Ubuntu One login, or the procedure has changed.

Edit 2: this post sheds some light on the issue, only apparently it had been “fixed” (and thread closed) - maybe there’s a delay of an hour or so after signing up and this requirement being updated.

I think there was a glitch which has been fixed for new users. One of the little speed bumps that often crop up on new systems. :smile:

You have been promoted to basic user (trust level 1), so any new user restrictions will no longer apply to you.


You should be able to post in Support and Help as a new user.

Unfortunately, I’m not. I tried to open a new topic there, yet get an access denied error.

Edit: Now that I’ve reached Trust Level 1, it works. So it seems that TL0 people can’t open new threads anywhere. Not even in the support section.

We have tried several ways to make it possible for TL0 to post over the past couple weeks, all without notable success despite showing initial promise.
Frustrating for everyone, you and us both.

New users MUST read enough posts to reach TL1. Requires a bit of patience.
If anybody with Discourse Admin experience knows a better answer, we are open to it.


Hey, everybody. I just registered. I read the rules and I can say that you must first give answers and earn the “respect” of the forum and only then you can post something in the thread.


Take a look at your profile statistics…<your-username>/summary


Get that read time up to 15 minutes, and then you should be able to post a new topic in the Support and Help category.

Reference: Ubuntu Discourse policy change: Technical Support topics are now welcome


I have been trying to post a question in the Support and Help section but still receive an Access Denied error. Any suggestions about what I should do?