Cannot post

Get that read time up to 15 minutes.

Here’s yours right now:

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Will do. Thank you very much for your help.

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New accounts can only post here Support and Help - Ubuntu Community Hub right?
I can’t seem to find any option to make a new post.

Welcome, have you followed the message you received when you signed in that says you need to read 15 minutes?

@t-var-s your “read time” seems well below the required 15 minutes.

Screenshot From 2024-12-19 08-39-05

When it reaches 15 minutes, you will be able to open a new topic.

Thank you, wasn’t expecting that.

Don’t recall seeing that message :thinking: Is it supposed to be at ?

Hey I’m experiencing a bug, I can’t create a new thread. You see the screenshot?

Your error message relates to a trust level issue, and its the Discourse software operating as intended to help prevent spam etc.

To learn more about Trust Levels you can view where you’ll note you’re still a “New User” with limited access.

Looking below the error message though and I see little constructive in your text either; it appears to be just complaint; and unrelated to where it was [originally] posted.

So you literally have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to be able to create a new thread, can you please change this?

If using a standard keyboard; there is a HOME key that will jump you to the first post in a thread, and an END key that will jump you to the end of the thread, allowing you then to REPLY on that thread.

You can find that many times on discourse sites, with instructions or a wiki at the top of the thread; easily accessible by anyone with a single HOME keystroke, and the bottom of the thread again easily accessible with a single END press for new related posts.

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I don’t think you’re understanding me.

You have to literally scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to be able to create a new topic, does that make any sense to you? Will you please fix this?

Edit: Nevermind it looks like it’s been fixed.

A post was split to a new topic: Renaming “preformatted text” to “code box”

This is a horrible UX.

I had to scroll down past ~5 auto pagination loads before the " There are no more Support and Help topics. Ready to start a new conversation?" showed up. I’m sorry, but this is pathetic.

After a HARD refresh, the + button shows up. You need to fix this. (First login here from a 10+year old Ubuntu One account.)

d-man97 - Anyway

Welcome to Discourse.

We are working on it.
Our site is still a work in progress; What can you do to help ?

-All in this together-


You are welcome to do things the hard way if you wish,
but the “start here” link is prominently displayed in the topmost category.
Lots of folks seem able to find it.


I gently suggest you put the flamethrower away.
It will not serve you well here.
The moderators here take the Code of Conduct seriously.
Offering to find ways to help will gain you a reputation and take you much farther.


This presents a somewhat different perspective to that maintained by the current moderation function.
And this is worth a read.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Server - editing MOTD

I am searching since a lot of minutes how to start a new thread so for me it is not a success