The goal of this post is collate known issues with this website. The purpose is to keep everyone informed and track the status of. This is not for reporting or tracking issues with Ubuntu or any other projects. This post is a wiki, intended to be a living document.
These issues will be discussed and prioritised in regular meetings between site admins and moderators.
Currently known issues
New user onboarding process
Creating posts is challenging for new users
5 minute read time required before posting is harder for non-English speakers
Ubuntu Discourse Connectivity Issues
Bug: Site stylesheets are missing colo(u)red pre-formatted text
Discobot isn't detecting my links
Site allows externally hosted images (e.g. Google docs) which break when 3rd party site disappears or becomes inaccessible
Completed issues
First page shown to brand new users is Top Posts which does not surface Start here or If you cannot post, see this topic!, which would be good to show people. Perhaps show Categories, or Start here first.
Template required for new support questions
JS error probably caused by site theme