Announcement: Ubuntu Governance Sync Meetings 2025


Following the success of the Ubuntu flavor sync meetings, we are starting Ubuntu governance sync meetings in 2025. These meetings will serve as a baseline for collaboration and coordination across all the Ubuntu community governance bodies. To keep a familiar format and a schedule that works well across time zones, we are going to use the same framework of the Ubuntu flavor sync meetings.

Meeting details

  • Governance sync meetings aim to encourage Ubuntu governance bodies to share resources, ideas, and frameworks. Representatives of Ubuntu governance bodies are invited to join and contribute to the continuous improvement of the Ubuntu community.
  • This meeting is not the sole venue for discussion. Having recurring virtual meetings helps us move things faster, build relationships, and foster collaboration.
  • We want to encourage everyone present to speak up; therefore, we are not streaming or recording any governance sync meetings.
  • One week before the meeting, the Canonical Community Team will send a reminder via Matrix to each governance room and via email to all governance bodies.
  • After each meeting, highlights will be posted on the Ubuntu Discourse. For easier filtering, all reports are posted in the category “Community” and tagged with “governance” and “meeting-report”. This custom filter can be used to list all governance sync meetings.
  • If additional sessions are required to discuss urgent issues, please reach out to the Canonical community team here on Discourse (@Community-Team), on the Community Team Matrix room, or via email.

Meeting schedule

We are planning one meeting every 2 months, and two sessions per meeting to accommodate time zones. The last sync meeting of each year happens at the Ubuntu Summit.

2nd Tuesday of January 2025
Session 1: 15:00 UTC
Session 2: 22:00 UTC

2nd Tuesday of March 2025
Session 1: 15:00 UTC
Session 2: 22:00 UTC

2nd Tuesday of May 2025
Session 1: 15:00 UTC
Session 2: 22:00 UTC

2nd Tuesday of July 2025
Session 1: 15:00 UTC
Session 2: 22:00 UTC

2nd Tuesday of September 2025
Session 1: 15:00 UTC
Session 2: 22:00 UTC

Ubuntu Summit 2025
This session happens in-person, at the Ubuntu Summit 2025. The session will be made available to those that cannot make it to the event. Due to time constraints and logistics, exact time and date will be decided closer to the event. There will be a single session for this meeting.


With the old Community Council meetings, community members could suggest topics to discuss on the meetings. I think it would be nice if we could re-introduce this somehow.

Where should community members suggest topics that they’d like to see discussed during these meetings?

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Where will these meetings be held? Are they available to the general public?

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Apologies for slow reply on this one @rbasak . It is a good question and it is important to leave an answer here.

We hold the meetings on Matrix via Jitsi, and meeting notes and agenda are logged in the Matrix room via etherpad.
Meetings are not open for everyone to join, because we want to encourage governance members to express their opinions in a safe space. Having said that, we publish the highlights of each meeting on the Ubuntu Discourse, so that the community can engage, commend, and propose agenda items for the next meetings. By doing so, we can keep things safe during the meetings, but open for the community to participate.

I hope this brings more clarity on how we are running the meetings, and the reason of our choices.