Ubuntu Pro - FAQ

Thank you for your questions @urbaman

Each Ubuntu Pro subscription has a corresponding Ubuntu Pro token, and the tokens can be found in your Ubuntu Pro Dashboard: https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard

These tokens can be attached to machines using the sudo pro attach <token> command, where <token> can be substituted with the alphanumeric token string for the Ubuntu Pro Dashboard.

Landscape does not require all the tokens to be from the same account, but there is a maximum limit of 5 free personal Ubuntu Pro tokens on a single Landscape instance. It doesn’t matter if each of the 5 free personal tokens come from 5 different Ubuntu accounts or if all 5 come from a single account.

I hope this provides the clarity you were looking for, but if I have misunderstood your question I am happy to provide additional details.

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Very clear and helpful, thank you.

Now I need to find out why landscape do not recognize the machines as pro-attached.

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On the Landscape Install page: https://ubuntu.com/landscape/install

You will find instructions for installing Landscape Client. Landscape Client from the 23.03 PPA has the logic baked in to identify the Ubuntu Pro subscription, and share that data to Landscape Server.

If you have installed the Landscape Client from the Main Repository, and not from the PPA, the Ubuntu Pro information is not transmitted to Landscape Server. We have an open SRU to get this updated, but it is taking slightly longer than usual for us to get this change propagated to the Main Repository.

@Lech ,

I recently upgraded one of my 18.04 VMs to ESM. Very easy process.
I am hesitating on another VM simply because I use it to run tac_plus, which will not run on any Ubuntu release after 18.04. Will attaching/enabling ESM on Ubuntu 18.04 kill any running apps?


After I upgraded to Ubuntu Pro on Ubuntu16 and got the security update, I used the pro fix function, and most of the cases can correctly query the patch status of the vulnerability, but there are currently 30 vulnerabilities that cannot be queried normally, for example, “pro fix CVE-2020-28374”, and the response is "Metadata for LSN-0074-1 is invalid. Error: LSN-0074-1 metadata does not define release_packages source_link for aws…”. I want to know why this is happening and if there is a solution, thank you.

Hi all,

I am wondering; we recently ordered an Ubuntu Pro license for 4 machines.
Those 4 machines are physical VMWare nodes, located in 2 seperate datacenters.

On those nodes, we are scheduling that Ubuntu VMs are scheduled on those hardware machines but how do use the license ?
I cannot configure that on the VMWare host itself but when I use the license/token on a Ubuntu guest it will count as 1 machine but that aint correct because I want to license a physical VM and not a guest VM.

please help


I have something curious that I would like to get answer, say everything works fine, but I don’t have Ubuntu Pro, however, when in software and updater (I’m using 22.04.03 Lts), I hit update, I get this:

As you can see in the image, are the ESM-apps, Ubuntu Pro, that I know I do not have any installed, unless it is ffmpeg (Which I have is named Chromium-ffmpeg and is a SNAP).

The question, is that it jumps me for 4 days, and although the updates come out and are updated, never gives me the message that your system is updated, because it considers pending ESM-apps, which I find curious because I do not have any of them that I know, and if already in the Faq, that if you match any can jump this message, but in all these years, I had never jumped the one that you have esm-apps to update.

If I do the update by terminal, no problem I do not jump, just tells me the message that if I want such esm-apps, I enroll in Ubuntu Pro, so I find it curious, that GUI format, ie Software and updater (Software Update), I jump directly that are to install, and not the message inscribite, if you want them.

I know it is not a technical forum, but some idea, so you can ask in the same.

Thank you for your time, best regards.

hi @mattdrogers you can feel confident to upgrade to ubuntu pro on your 18.04 server. you will remain on 18.04 with an access to esm ppa which includes packages with backported security patches.

hi @mickjongejan you would have to attach each of the VMs on your VMWare hosts. The pro client would know that you are attaching VMs and you can attach unlimited VMs on your 4 Ubuntu Pro covered host machines.

thanks for reaching out @adb2345 looks some packages you have installed have dependencies coming from the Universe repository. Those Universe packages have pending security updates available with Ubuntu Pro. Running pro security-status in the terminal would tell you how many packages you have installed from each repository. And if you want the list of packages installed from the Universe repository, please run pro security-status --esm-apps. if you have more questions please paste the output you get from running these commands. hope it helps!

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@ame1321 I can confirm this is indeed a bug on the Pro client. We shouldn’t be evaluating LSNs when fixing a CVE. The fix for this issue will be delivered in the next version of Pro, which will likely be out in February 2024

A post was split to a new topic: How do I remove Ubuntu Pro ‘advert’

Thank you for responding lech:

I leave capture of the results of the commands you indicated me. However, the problem is that although I have an Ubuntu One account, I have never subscribed to Ubuntu Pro. I do have the Ubuntu advantage Tools package installed (I think it is called that). What I don’t understand is why it says to install Ubuntu Pro packages, when as far as I know I don’t have any of them. I hope that with the images that I pass you, you can clarify me something, since I do not understand much of the matter. If it is true that I have installed some packages, when I do sudo apt update and then apt list upgradable, I get packages held (Now I have none), and if I have installed any of them.

I don’t know what you could tell me. Because the funny thing is that today I actuliazo the kernel (Linux headers etc) and the normal thing is to have to restart the pc, and then self-remove the old ones, but today has done both, but did not ask me to restart the pc, just as it considers the esm apps, pending, below did not put reboot system or remember then, did not put anything. I just in case I reboot the pc, because I know that to avoid reboots in updates, you need the livepatch, but I do not have it (See attached image).

I hope that with the screenshots you can give me some advice.



Captura desde 2023-12-13 17-35-53
Captura desde 2023-12-13 17-36-16

It does not say anywhere that you need to install them, but it tells you that packages you have installed have open security issues that you could fix by updating to the versions provided via esm/pro for free … you are indeed free to ignore them, but it would be odd (and irresponsible from us IMHO) if we did not tell you that your system is vulnerable to unfixed security issues…

Thanks for this information, it’s very helpful. We’ve been using Ubuntu server for several LTS releases, just working on migrating to version 22.04LTS.

Can you clarify if we will get patches, especially security updates, without Ubuntu Pro, for packages like apache2, tomcat (9, I think), mysql, Open JRE/JDK, specifically? Some of what I read suggests that we will, for anything that we install using apt install from standard repositories. I’m still unclear about what packages are from main vs. universe, vs. others, and what we can only get updates for with Ubuntu Pro subscription.


See 4 posts above yours, Lech gave the exact commands you need to run to find this out…

A post was split to a new topic: Ubuntu Pro privacy

A post was split to a new topic: Single VM support

Howdy, So I wanted to ask a question and if it was asked below I apologize; If I wanted to buy Ubuntu Pro licenses right now via the website in order to license ‘Unlimited VM’s’ on an ESXI/vSphere hypervisor… which is supported. Which license would I buy? Second, but just as important, How would I license those hosted vm’s?

The process by which a person can license the underlying virtual machines, on one of the supported hypervisor hosts must be a guarded secret because I cannot find a single definitive thing anywhere.


hi @benh

You can get the number of licenses corresponding to the number of physical hosts you have. You then get access to the Ubuntu Pro portal where you obtain your Ubuntu Pro token. You can then attach all the VMs on your hosts using a token provided.