How to configure WSL-related services after upgrading Landscape

This guide is only for those who’ve upgraded from Landscape 23.10 or earlier.

This guide describes how to configure an upgraded Landscape beta version to enable WSL-related services. This applies to users upgrading from an existing beta version or stable version. If this is your first time installing Landscape Beta, you don’t need to perform these steps.


Update the service.conf file

Open the service.conf file located in the /etc/landscape directory and add the following lines:

hostagent_virtual_host = landscape-hostagent
hostagent_task_queue = landscape-server-hostagent-task-queue

grpc.max_connection_age_ms = 2592000000  # 30 days

threads = 1
stores = main account-1

Add a virtual host to RabbitMQ

Add a new virtual host to RabbitMQ using the following commands:

sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost landscape-hostagent
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p landscape-hostagent landscape ".*" ".*" ".*"

The ".*" characters in the set_permissions command are regular expressions that match any character. They grant all permissions (configure, write, read) on all resources (exchanges, queues, bindings, etc.) to the landscape user for the landscape-hostagent virtual host.

Restart the services

Restart the Landscape services:

sudo service landscape-hostagent-messenger restart
sudo service landscape-hostagent-consumer restart

Done! Now you’re ready to use WSL with Landscape. If you want instructions on setting up your environment, see how to set up an environment to use WSL with Landscape. If you already have a Windows machine set up with WSL and Ubuntu, see how to set up Ubuntu Pro for WSL and register WSL hosts to Landscape.