Landscape how-to guides

These how-to guides can be applied to many key operations and common tasks with Landscape.

Landscape installation and set-up


Backup and maintenance

Ubuntu Pro

External authentication

Repository mirrors

Web portal

Web portal (24.04 or later)

Classic web portal (23.10 or earlier)

IoT for devices

WSL integration

I am currently evaluating Landscape in order to manage Ubuntu Desktops within my organization. But I only find references (docs, examples, scripts…) about servers configuration.

Is there any information about typical desktop configuration for users laptops? Perhaps I am wrong and Landscape is not orienteed to this use case.

@alfem Using Landscape for Desktop management is common. :slight_smile: The “server configurations” you’ve found may be referring to Landscape Server (the name of the software). As in, the “server configuration” = the “Landscape Server” software configuration, which isn’t necessarily installed on a physical server. Landscape Server acts as the “server” component of a client-server model. You can use Landscape Server (and Landscape Client) on Ubuntu Desktop.

If you haven’t seen it already, we do have a What is Landscape? overview document that may help answer some high-level questions for you.

Most of our documentation isn’t intended to be specific to Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server, although we do have a separate section geared towards Ubuntu Core users.

This isn’t in our documentation at the moment, but here’s an example of an Ubuntu Desktop use case–it’s a recording of a recent webinar on how to use Landscape to configure authd on Ubuntu Desktop (YouTube video).

And here’s a link to our contact form if/when you’re interested in talking to someone more in depth about Landscape: Get in touch!

I hope that was helpful! :blush:

I had already read those webpages and still have dubts about using Landscape to control Ubuntu workstations (desktops).

In the documents you sent me I can read the limitations of the landscape client in snap format: user management does not work and script execution is limited to the snap filesystem. I am afraid it is not a solution for Desktops.

Thanks anyway @yanisa-hs.