Weekly status #306

Weekly status for the week of 3rd July to 9th July.


This past week has primarily been focused on moving LXD to Canonical.

LXD highlights

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where LXD would fail starting if it was configured with OIDC but the OIDC server was down.
  • Fixed an issue where running VMs would raise an error if a profile was added to them containing container-only configuration keys.
  • Fixed an issue where hot unplugging directory shares from VMs would cause the VM to hang.
  • Fixed an issue where the instance type of instances on offline cluster members would be empty instead of container or virtual-machine, which caused the output of lxc list to show the VMs on the offline member(s) as containers.
  • Fixed an issue where the target volume would be removed on error when performing a refresh copy between ZFS pools which would prevent future volume refreshes.
  • Fixed an issue where a cluster group would be removed before adding new members to it, causing a not found error.
  • Fixed an issue where the LXD would lower the MTU on the host bridge based on the mtu setting of the instance NIC. This could cause packet loss when the mtu of the bridge was set higher than some of the instances connected to it.

All changes

The items listed below is all of the work which happened over the past week and which will be included in the next release.


LXD Charm

  • Nothing to report this week

Distribution work

This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXD as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.


  • Nothing to report this week
