I happened across Waybar and wondered if it works with Mir…
$ miral-app --wayland-extensions wl_shell:xdg_wm_base:zwlr_layer_shell_v1:zxdg_output_manager_v1 --startup-apps waybar
I happened across Waybar and wondered if it works with Mir…
$ miral-app --wayland-extensions wl_shell:xdg_wm_base:zwlr_layer_shell_v1:zxdg_output_manager_v1 --startup-apps waybar
Here’s Waybar working with the latest version of the egmde snap (on the --edge
) channel.
There are a five steps needed to get this working:
snap install --classic --edge egmde
sudo apt install waybar
$ cat ~/.config/egmde.config
Here’s what I use:
$ cat ~/.config/waybar/config
"layer": "bottom", // Waybar at top layer
"height": 30, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
"modules-left": ["network"],
"modules-center": ["clock"],
"modules-right": ["cpu", "memory", "temperature", "battery"],
"tray": {
// "icon-size": 21,
"spacing": 10
"clock": {
"format": "{:%y-%m-%d %H:%M}",
"tooltip-format": "{:%y-%m-%d | %H:%M}",
"format-alt": "{:%H:%M}"
"cpu": {
"format": "CPU: {usage}%",
"tooltip": false
"memory": {
"format": "Mem: {}%"
"temperature": {
// "thermal-zone": 2,
// "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input",
"critical-threshold": 80,
// "format-critical": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
"format": "{temperatureC}°C",
"format-icons": ["", "", ""]
"battery": {
"states": {
// "good": 95,
"warning": 30,
"critical": 15
"format-alt": "{capacity}% {icon}",
"format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
"format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
"format": "{time} ({capacity}%)",
// "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
// "format-full": "",
"format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
"network": {
// "interface": "wlp2*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface
"format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%)",
"format-ethernet": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
"format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ",
"format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
"format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}"
$ cat ~/.config/waybar/style.css
* {
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
/* `otf-font-awesome` is required to be installed for icons */
font-family: Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
min-height: 0;
window#waybar {
/*background-color: rgba(43, 48, 59, 0.5);
border-bottom: 3px solid rgba(100, 114, 125, 0.5);*/
background-color: rgba(146, 0, 106, 0.3);
border-bottom: 3px solid rgba(73, 0, 53, 0.3);
color: #ffffff;
transition-property: background-color;
transition-duration: .5s;
window#waybar.hidden {
opacity: 0.2;
window#waybar.termite {
background-color: #3F3F3F;
window#waybar.chromium {
background-color: #000000;
border: none;
#mode {
background-color: #64727D;
border-bottom: 3px solid #ffffff;
#mpd {
padding: 0 10px;
margin: 0 4px;
color: #ffffff;
#clock {
background-color: #64727D;
#battery {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
#battery.charging {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #26A65B;
@keyframes blink {
to {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #000000;
#battery.critical:not(.charging) {
background-color: #f53c3c;
color: #ffffff;
animation-name: blink;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-direction: alternate;
label:focus {
background-color: #000000;
#cpu {
background-color: #2ecc71;
color: #000000;
#memory {
background-color: #9b59b6;
#backlight {
background-color: #90b1b1;
#network {
background-color: #2980b9;
#network.disconnected {
background-color: #f53c3c;
#temperature {
background-color: #f0932b;
#temperature.critical {
background-color: #eb4d4b;
#tray {
background-color: #2980b9;