Ubuntu design discussion

Hey, some new changes here:

  • I was searching how in the rest of the settings thumbs are highlighted, maybe we just go with the common orange line around the thumbs? For that, I added some white space around the thumbs.
  • Simplified the names - so no names at all for the themes. That way every user should understand what this theme is about and it is just one word for each. Maybe active theme is bold? But not necessary.
  • Hot Corner: Was a little researching in other OS and tried to make the text more explanatory, but of course it is a question if the users know what hot corners, or even activities are. But think the feature is not so complicated to teach it to people and the off-state is quite clear to me - any objections to this?

Link Thumbs (till 24. Oct): https://cloud.luxam.at/index.php/s/ySPYXmX7BrYtwpm

Have a good monday :slight_smile: