This section of our documentation contains step-by-step tutorials to help outline what Ubuntu Core is capable of while helping you achieve specific aims, such as installing Ubuntu Core or building a custom image for your device.
We hope our tutorials make as few assumptions as possible and are broadly accessible to anyone with an interest in Ubuntu Core. They should also be a good place to start learning about Ubuntu Core, how it works and what it’s capable of.
If you have a specific goal, but are already familiar with Ubuntu Core, take a look at our How-to guides. These have more in-depth detail and can be applied to a broader set of applications.
Take a look at our Reference section when you need to know which options can be used, what functions the API supports, which rescue modes are supported and the contents of gadget.yaml.
Finally, for a better understanding of how Ubuntu Core works and how it can be used and configured, our Explanation section enables you to expand your knowledge.
As always, it’s confusing to list a few tutorial URLs on the page, when the full list should be in the navigation menu. I refer to that as the page “competing against” the navigation menu for the reader’s attention.
I think you’re right - the original structure comes from Diátaxis and might make sense to highlight a few tutorials from a larger selection. But when there are only a few, which should list them all. I’ll update this page.
Hi! Like rpjday1, I found the use of a table here confusing, but I also found the table content confusing.
The (only) current entry, Create a custom image, links to the Build an image with custom snaps | Ubuntu page. This page seems to be more of a guide than a tutorial, and is listed in the “How-to guide” section rather than the “Tutorial” section of the navigation bar. I don’t know much about Ubuntu Core, and I didn’t find the “Build an image with custom snaps” page to be the best starting point.
It seems like one of the tutorials in the “Tutorial” section (perhaps Build your first Ubuntu Core image) would be a better fit for this table? I personally found this page more useful in getting started and learning more.