Ubuntu 24.04/24.10 slow at boot up and slow opening programs

Ubuntu Version:
Ubuntu 24.04/24.10

Desktop Environment (if applicable):

Problem Description:
After switching from windos 10 to ubuntu 24.04 and later 24.10 i noticed very slow boot up when starting my laptop much slower then on w10 and this goes for both 24.04 and 24.10.

opening programs take a very long time and this differs from program to program forexample ff takes nearly 10 seconds to start the terminal takes like 5 seconds etc

my nightlight button i turn on but it doesnt activate until after using the computer for a couple hours.

i note all of this here because i thought maybe there is a connection?

Relevant System Information:

              .',:clooo:  .:looooo:.           ----------------------
           .;looooooooc  .oooooooooo'          OS: Ubuntu oracular 24.10 x86_64
        .;looooool:,''.  :ooooooooooc          Host: HP EliteBook 6930p (F.20)
       ;looool;.         'oooooooooo,          Kernel: Linux 6.11.0-18-generic
      ;clool'             .cooooooc.  ,,       Uptime: 3 hours, 4 mins
         ...                ......  .:oo,      Packages: 1926 (dpkg), 21 (snap)
  .;clol:,.                        .loooo'     Shell: bash 5.2.32
 :ooooooooo,                        'ooool     Display (SEC4E42): 1280x800 @ 60Hzooooooooooo.                        loooo.    
'ooooooooool                         coooo.    DE: GNOME 47.0
 ,loooooooc.                        .loooo.    WM: Mutter (Wayland)
   .,;;;'.                          ;ooooc     WM Theme: Yaru-dark
       ...                         ,ooool.     Theme: Yaru-dark [GTK2/3/4]
    .cooooc.              ..',,'.  .cooo.      Icons: Yaru-dark [GTK2/3/4]
      ;ooooo:.           ;oooooooc.  :l.       Font: Ubuntu Sans (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]     .coooooc,..      coooooooooo.    
         .:ooooooolc:. .ooooooooooo'           Cursor: Yaru (24px)
           .':loooooo;  ,oooooooooc            Terminal: GNOME Terminal 3.54.0
               ..';::c'  .;loooo:'             Terminal Font: Ubuntu Sans Mono (13pt)
                                               CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo     P8700 (2) @ 2.53 GHz
                                               GPU: Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller [Integrated]
                                               Memory: 1.86 GiB / 3.35 GiB (56%)
                                               Swap: 165.50 MiB / 3.66 GiB (4%)
                                               Disk (/): 52.07 GiB / 109.47 GiB (48%) - ext4

What I’ve Tried:
tried different Ubuntu flavours

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards


There is a known issue with Core2 CPUs, the next UWN includes the following

Intel Core 2 CPUs Have Been Affected By An Annoying Linux Kernel Bug For 5+ Years

Michael Larabel reports of a fix for Intel Core 2 processors’ system stalls and slow boot in the 6.14 kernel. The reason for the long standing affect is disclosed with the fix expected to be back-ported to stable series soon.


See Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 881

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS currently uses the 6.8 kernel (if using GA), or 6.11 (if using HWE), with Ubuntu 24.10 using 6.11; neither of which have the fixes yet mentioned in that article (as not security related; I’d not expect it until 24.04 upgrades to the 6.14 HWE kernel if you’re using HWE; 24.10 users will get it when they release-upgrade to 25.04 where the 6.14 HWE kernel will come from)

Ubuntu flavors all use the standard Ubuntu base at boot; the differences beyond that are mostly superficial or set by your install media (ie. flavor media may install with either GA or HWE kernel; controlled by ISO used to install), thus I’d expect them to be essentially identical (some flavor ISOs allow a snapd free install which may make boot & login a tad faster, but its still a minor difference in my opinion)

If what you’re talking is something else though (either related to a config or other package option) you were vague, I felt, with details so I’ve responded based on a Core2 detail in your paste which is a known value.

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