Welcome to the Rocks Community! We’re excited to announce that we’ll be holding monthly virtual meetups to discuss various topics related to the community and the rocks initiative. The first meeting will be held on 20 April 1:30pm - 2:30pm UTC; and for this first rocking session we will be looking at going from Dockerfiles to Rockcraft recipes.
During these meetups, we’ll discuss:
ways to engage with the community,
what the rocks initiative has to offer,
Chisel package slices for crafting custom ultra-small Ubuntu-based images,
Rockcraft, our special declarative framework for building rocks.
The meetups will be held on an open Google Meet and will be a great opportunity for members of the community to connect, share ideas, and collaborate. We’ll also use this Discourse post to log meeting notes and the underlying Discourse topic to announce new meetings.
Join us on 20 April to learn how to craft ROCK-solid container images. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, we’ll help you become a true rockstar in the world of containerisation. We’ll be waiting for you backstage!
Thanks to everyone who joined our first Ubuntu Rocks Community Meetup. We had a great discussion about rocks’ approach to containers and how we aim to address open source challenges related to container images. We also introduced two new tools for building lean containers and aggregating software into best-in-class OCI images: Chisel and Rockcraft.
In our first meetup, we focused on going from Dockerfiles to Rockcraft recipes. We introduced Chisel package slices for crafting custom ultra-small Ubuntu-based images and showed how Rockcraft can be used as a declarative framework for building rocks. We offer these tools to help developers become Rockstars in the world of containerisation.
Mark your calendars for our next rock’ing session. We’ll be taking the stage at the upcoming OpenSearch community session on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 04:00 PM UTC.
Fellow Rockstars will be showcasing the work done on ‘Charmed OpenSearch’ —building an Ubuntu ROCK for the OpenSearch software. Our Snapcraft friends will also be there to demonstrate Snaps’ alignment with Rocks: it has never been so easy to ship quality software across platforms!
Come and join us next Tuesday to see the power of rocks in action with the practical demonstration of OpenSearch OCI images.
We welcome everyone! So please don’t be shy. We can talk about anything “containers”, whether you have an experience to share or simply want to hear about the latest news within the world of Ubuntu Rocks.
It is also a chance for you to have some face-to-face time with the Rockcraft and Chisel developers, and provide your feedback!
We welcome and encourage discussion topics and presentations/demos! So feel free to propose them here, via a reply, or via a comment in the meeting agenda.
In this month’s community meeting, @cjdc did a live demo and created a rock of Python 3.12 from Ubuntu 24.04 base.
You can see the outcome at http://github.com/canonical/chiselled-python, and it will be soon published to container registries (DockerHub, ECR, etc) under the official canonical/ubuntu accounts.
In this month’s community meeting, the team recognized the community contributor Samir Akarioh’s joining the ubuntu-rocks community playground. @zhijie-yang and @linostar did a demo creating, packing and debugging a rock of RabbitMQ server with an Ubuntu 24.04 base. The RabbitMQ server chisel slice definition file will be available in chisel-releases shortly.
In this month’s meeting, we highlighted the releases of minor versions of Rockcraft (1.5.3) and Chisel (0.10.0). Furthermore, we pointed out the recent changes on Rockcraft documentation that enhanced the quality of many tutorials and guides there. Finally, we had fun trying to slice vim-tiny and vim packages, and made tiny rocks out of those slices, weighing 7 and 17 MB respectively. You can find the resulting chisel slice definition files here.
Thanks to Mehdi for having joined today’s session.
Today we’ve done a quick demo of the Valkey rock, which will be presented soon at the Valkey developer day.
After the demo, we’ve decided to go ahead and attempt to slice the newly added valkey-tools package for 24.10! Even though this release isn’t yet available in Chisel, we’ve built our own and slices valkey-tools and it’s dependencies, to a state where we could chisel cut it and run it
Those slices will be proposed upstream soon, but as a sneak peek, here’s the draft valkey-tools slice definitions file we’ve ended up with:
In this month’s meeting, the team divided into two groups to work on two blocking chisel-releases PRs on parallel. One team addressed the util-linux slices and the other team addressed the iptables slices. These two PRs block the rabbitmq slices PR.
In this month’s session, the team welcomed the new joiner of the ROCKS team, and demonstrated building full- and bare-based rocks for pytest using overlay, stage-packages and the Python plugin.