Rockcraft releases

Starting in 2025, we’re going to do monthly Rockcraft releases. The goal is to have new features and non-critical bugfixes available sooner and to reduce the potential impact of any given release.

In general terms, the process is this: A new version of Rockcraft will be moved to latest/candidate on the first Monday of the month, together with a post on this topic with the announcement/call for testing. If everything goes well, this version will then be promoted to latest/stable on the next Monday. Interim “patch” releases for critical bugfixes will still happen on a case-by-case basis.

Be sure to subscribe to this post to get notified when new releases come up!


To close up 2024, Rockcraft 1.6.0 will be moved to stable a week from now, Monday December 1st. Check out the changelog for a descriptions of new features and fixes.

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Rockcraft 1.6.0 is now in latest/stable.

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Version 1.7.0 of Rockcraft has been tagged and, as scheduled, will be available on the candidate channel on Monday, January 6.

Happy holidays!

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Rockcraft 1.7.0 is now available on the stable channel!


Rockcraft 1.8.0 is now available on latest/candidate. This release brings improvements to the command line UX and two new plugins! Please give it a spin - if all goes well we’ll be moving it to stable next Monday, February 10th.

Rockcraft 1.8.0 is now available on the stable channel.

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Rockcraft 1.9.0 is now available on latest/candidate.

Rockcraft 1.9.0 has been promoted to latest/stable.