Rocks Public Journal 2024-12-20

:rock: What’s new?

New in Rockcraft
v1.7.0 is out :partying_face: !!! Among many other cool things, you can now remote-build a rock :sunglasses:

Pro archives for Chisel
All chisel-releases now have a field, v2-archives, allowing you to slice packages from the Ubuntu Pro archives! For this, you’ll need to use the current Chisel development version (from main), which is scheduled to be released (v1.1.0) mid January 2025.

New Chisel slices:

Thank you to all contributors.

Adding the Chisel manifest to our chiseled images

We’re adding the Chisel manifest to the chiseled images we maintain. For example: ubuntu/python:3.12-24.04_stable.

Wanna hear more about rocks?

Join our Rocks Matrix space! You can also reach out to the community via Discourse.

Stay coal!

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