New ubuntu-unity iso

lightdm (1.24.0-0ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release:
    - No changes from 1.22

 -- Robert Ancell <>  Tue, 05 Sep 2017 10:42:34 +1200

lightdm (1.22.0-0ubuntu6) artful; urgency=medium

  * debian/lightdm.config: When upgrading to this version, don't show the DM
    selection prompt. We're trying to suppress the prompt and switch Ubuntu
    desktop users to gdm3 smoothly, but lightdm's prompt is showing up as gdm3
    is on the system when lightdm.config is executed. This means that if there
    is a situation when upgraders to this version *should* be shown the
    prompt, they won't be. If that is the case, we'll need to think again
    about how to implement this.


I’m fishing through a plethora of files… so perhaps we should wait if @jbicha or someone else gets back to us. Could be that they assigned the *.png to a function and it could be being called form another session-type completely.

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Hi Robert,

We sure could use your help with this:

You can distribute an icon for the unity session by shipping the file /usr/share/unity-greeter/custom_unity_badge.png in the same package as the /usr/share/xsessions/unity.desktop file. Or modify Unity Greeter to add it to the hard-coded list.



Thanks Robert. I will modify the source and unity to the list.

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12 off-topic posts to help @blaocklight’s iso burning and booting problem were split to a new topic: Ubuntu Unity iso Troubleshooting

Have you done

sudo isohybrid -u ubuntu-unity-nemo-amd64.iso

before you uploaded it?

You most probably expect people to try the

Only, where can the users (testers) give a feedback about it?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ubuntu Unity iso Troubleshooting

Please stay on-topic, or open a new thread.
Technical Support is not on-topic.

The community hub is not for support questions as I understand it. There is ISO Troubleshooting created from another thread. It is generally understood that persons who download the ISO have another PC to test on and understand the instability of alpha testing remixes.

I had also posted the U+1 development testing wiki link to the testers wiki which gives beta testers a basic warning about testing any of the current development cycle flavor spins.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Unity iso meta discussion

I don’t mind related support questions…but they need to be in a different thread(s).

Unity iso feedback is about iso feedback.
Support questions are not about iso feedback.

Simple guide: If it’s not directly about iso feedback, then side-conversations and new subjects should be in PM or a different thread.

Ubuntu MATE pre-install Redshift. If the Ubuntu Unity team see value in this feature then using Redshift is a fast path to success :slightly_smiling_face:

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@dale-f-beaudoin Can you upload a updated ubuntu-unity-ppa-amd64.iso ?


Do you want to insert the Redshift also as @Wimpress is suggesting?


Hi Martin,

Do you have sudo command of how to install Redshift?


Actually I installed in on a fresh install. I like the concept but it really darkened my Viewsonix monitor a little too much. It’s in the store if persons want to install it.


I have built a new ISO and updated it from the Dec 21 image. When I removed gnome-shell it pulled all ubiquity files. I finished the build and now the USB boots right into live-session with no options to install.

This is stock ubuntu only . No redshift, no nemo … just the ppa.

Keep in mind … any bugs on the current bionic-desktop ISO from the repos will migrate to the ubuntu-unity-ppa-amd64.iso build.



I have fixed this.
I will upload the updated .ISO. It is very stable. It is stock with nautilus and no mods.


When you are in chroot, install

ubiquity ubiquity-frontend-gtk

before, squashing the squashfs-root.

That was not it. I already fixed it another way.

Wow, what an impressive amount of progress in such a short time. Thank you.
I am not a developer, but I can test on a few different platforms. Found you this morning and glad I did. Both Nautilus and Nemo versions run well on an ancient Dell XPS Gen5.
This is a very worthwhile project imho.