New ubuntu-unity iso

Can you do away with vino?

I just updated those files. We didn’t merge.fix/release until a month before the last release -but anyways … there they are. So I agree with how you are structuring all of this.

Thank you for the update.


Hi all,

mac4man from UbuntuForums has created a ppa with experimental demo for a file manager called nemo. I have tested it and it works very fine. Khurshid and I talked about that we could use it for 18.10 development release cycle but since it is so stable I think we can do some pre-testing for any one who wishes to do so. You can go to the RoadmapLink and click on NemoDemo and do it manually or wait until I build a new ISO with nemo pre-installed.


Dale, hasn’t this bug already been fixed?

No. Not that I know of. I fixed unity-greeter and unity-control-center version update and was about to look at gnome-session. Thing is , since the meta-package, I have been using the unity7 ppa and lightdm standalone and not installing unity-session. The logo is not on the standalone unity7 installs either. I will look at it.

Sidenote: Am currently uploading image file with nemo installed.


The last time I was in gnome-session I edited in /unity_recommend_zeitgeist/ and I can’t find the pointer file to which bug you are referring. Can you point me to the name of the file I need to look at? or I’ll ask seb.

Uploaded new image file with nemo in the archive.


  • Live: Open terminal Ctrl+alt+t and enter nemo then lock to launcher. The same proceedure for full install.


The bug is about to have a logo for unity at lightdm + unity-greeter login. Something like this:

I am not sure where this logo comes from. @jbicha do you have any idea?

/usr/share/unity-greeter cof.png

It’s being called by ligthdm but there are a lot of files in there so I am trying to track it down.

Yes. But how do we make unity-session use that logo? May be by changing /usr/share/xsessions/unity.desktop ? Gtk greeter can be changed from /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf. But not sure about unity-greeter.

Yes … it is being called by lightdm so it must be commented out when they switch default to gnome3 or somthing to that effect. Im looking at lightdm(n) now.

lightdm (1.24.0-0ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release:
    - No changes from 1.22

 -- Robert Ancell <>  Tue, 05 Sep 2017 10:42:34 +1200

lightdm (1.22.0-0ubuntu6) artful; urgency=medium

  * debian/lightdm.config: When upgrading to this version, don't show the DM
    selection prompt. We're trying to suppress the prompt and switch Ubuntu
    desktop users to gdm3 smoothly, but lightdm's prompt is showing up as gdm3
    is on the system when lightdm.config is executed. This means that if there
    is a situation when upgraders to this version *should* be shown the
    prompt, they won't be. If that is the case, we'll need to think again
    about how to implement this.


I’m fishing through a plethora of files… so perhaps we should wait if @jbicha or someone else gets back to us. Could be that they assigned the *.png to a function and it could be being called form another session-type completely.

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Hi Robert,

We sure could use your help with this:

You can distribute an icon for the unity session by shipping the file /usr/share/unity-greeter/custom_unity_badge.png in the same package as the /usr/share/xsessions/unity.desktop file. Or modify Unity Greeter to add it to the hard-coded list.



Thanks Robert. I will modify the source and unity to the list.

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12 off-topic posts to help @blaocklight’s iso burning and booting problem were split to a new topic: Ubuntu Unity iso Troubleshooting

Have you done

sudo isohybrid -u ubuntu-unity-nemo-amd64.iso

before you uploaded it?

You most probably expect people to try the

Only, where can the users (testers) give a feedback about it?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ubuntu Unity iso Troubleshooting

Please stay on-topic, or open a new thread.
Technical Support is not on-topic.

The community hub is not for support questions as I understand it. There is ISO Troubleshooting created from another thread. It is generally understood that persons who download the ISO have another PC to test on and understand the instability of alpha testing remixes.

I had also posted the U+1 development testing wiki link to the testers wiki which gives beta testers a basic warning about testing any of the current development cycle flavor spins.
