Nepalese LoCo | LoCo Handover Request

LoCo Information

Requester Information

  • Name: Aaditya Singh
  • Discourse username (with @): @younggunner14
  • Link to Launchpad profile: Aaditya Singh in Launchpad
  • Are you current leader or prospective leader?:
    • Current leader (Have the ownership of a LoCo)
    • Prospective leader
  • Have you signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct on Launchpad?:
    • Yes
    • Not yet
  • What is your request? (You may check both if applies)
    • Handover a LoCo ownership
    • Handover LoCo resources mentioned on the Handover process documentation. (such as Launchpad team, Discourse category, Mailing list and so on.)

Details for Resources handover request

Please check resources that needs to be handed over with help from the LoCo Council

  • LoCo Team on Launchpad
  • Discourse LoCo Category
  • Domain access (ubuntu-**.org)
  • Mailing list
  • Admin access of Real time chat channels: (IRC( and Matrix (

Details for Ownership handover request

If you are one of prospective leaders, have you tried to reach out current leaders? Did they respond to your contact?

I tried mailing the mail of the Ubuntu Nepal loco, but there hasn’t been any response.

If you are one of prospective leaders, and were not able to get any response from current leaders, are there any other ways of communication you would like to suggest?

Mailing the owner in his mail address would help, but it isn’t mentioned in the launchpad team profile of ubuntu nepal.

Does current leaders agrees to handover LoCo to prospective leaders?

I haven’t been able to contact the leader.

If prospective leaders have done any activities in recent 6 months, please provide brief report with links or attachments (such as blog posts, event reports, photos and more)

It has been almost a year that I have been actively empowering nepali students with Ubuntu. I have given multiple instructions and training sessions to different colleges in Kathmandu valley. I was one of a speaker at UbuCon Asia 2024 in Jaipur, India.

If prospective leaders have LoCo activity plans for the future, please describe

Organize “Introduction to Open Source, Linux and GNOME” sessions:
Continue the sessions titled " Introduction to Open Source, Linux and GNOME " which we have been doing for almost a year in consistent basis now. The preferred Distro we use is Ubuntu, as we believe it is the best option for us to show and teach beginners on.

Now the number of session and contents depends on the college and entities that we approach and also those who approach us. As, for the content our goal is to customize each content from scratch for every new sessions looking into the knowledge level, interest and the quantity of people attending our session.

Currently we are in discussion phase for the sessions in 3 colleges. So, expect these 3 sessions happening soon.

Organize Pre events for UbuCon Asia 2025 :

  • Introduce about UbuCon Asia in the above mentioned sessions.
  • Monthly Meetups labeled as “Chiya Meetup” which translates to “Tea Meetup”
  • Collaboration with Other communities available in the country

Big Events/Conferences:

  • To organize UbuCon Asia 2025 successfully.
  • Organize a Release Party each year. This year, we can do the party itself in UbuCon Asia if new release or features are introduced at that time.
  • Collaborate with Ubuntu India Loco wherever and whenever it becomes feasible. Ways to collaborate :
    • Contribute volunteers for UbuCon India
    • Help manage and provide possible resources

List of prospective leaders

Name Launchpad URL Discourse handle Signed Ubuntu CoC on Launchpad? Launchpad Profile up to date? Short biography
Aaditya Singh Aaditya Singh in Launchpad @younggunner14 Yes Yes I am Aaditya Singh, an active contributor to FOSS from Kathmandu Nepal. I am a student and a software developer. I am also a foundation member of GNOME Foundation.
Sailesh Singh Sailesh Singh in Launchpad @saileshsingh36 Yes Yes Active in GNOME Nepal, CfC, YISC. Focuses on social media security. Volunteered at the University of Grant Commission, attends AWS Student Community Day, Software Freedom Day, GNOME Asia 2023, and WordCamp 2024. Open-source contributor.
Utsav Bhattarai Utsav bhattarai in Launchpad @utsavdotdev Yes Yes Full-stack JavaScript developer, GitHub maintainer for GNOME Nepal. Passionate about hackathons, international participant, winning majority. Blogs on tech and learning experiences.

Among the prospective leaders, Aaditya Singh will be the main contact person and Utsav Bhattarai and Sailesh Singh will be the backup contacts.


Thank you for your request @younggunner14, I’ll have a look and handle your process with other @loco-council folks :slight_smile:

Happy new year by the way :tada:


@younggunner14 is more than a worthy successor of Mr. Ubuntu nepal Ravi Bhattarai himself :slight_smile:

A big +1 from me and all the very best for ubucon Asia 2025 @younggunner14 :slight_smile:

Happy new year to you and everyone on the team…



Thank you for the help @sukso96100 . Happy new year to you too. :tada:


Thank you so much for the support. Happy new year @bhavi bhaiya. :tada:

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I’d like some clarification about your contacts. When you did you first email them? Where did you contact them? The public ML seems to be fully inactive since 2013 from the public archives. What other tentative did you make?

What’s the status of the current Napalese LoCo? I’d expect somebody from Members : “Ubuntu Nepal LOCO Team” team to chime if it’s even barely active.


@mapreri I mailed ,more than a week ago. But there has not been any response. Since, there is no evidence that anyone is active in the loco, i guessed the last option is to apply in this template for hand over.

For the other tentative, I tried to search for the mail of the current leader, which i got the name from the launcpad team of ubuntu-np, but sadly even in his launchpad profile I couln’t find a mail address mentioned.


Did you subscribe to the ML before posting? Unless my sight is getting worse (…because it is!) your message doesn’t seem to be in the archive, so I reckon it reached nobody at all!

Personally, I consider only 1 week, and only one tentative of reaching the team way way way too little effort here.

I agree that the team seems to be so dead that I likewise wouldn’t expect much of an answer. Nevertheless, I’d expect a lot of more tentatives to reach the current LoCo.

What about any other current LoCo members? Did you reach out to them? Is there anybody even? What are the current activities they perform, if any? Just playing devil’s advocates, buf it you took over and all of the current members are inactive, where’s the team?


Sorry, but I didn’t knew I had to subscribe to the ML before posting, because I saw this in the info page:

Now , I have filled the subscription form, thanks for letting me know that I have to do that. I am now waiting for the confirmation mail, as stated in the Ubuntu-np Info Page.

Also, it wasn’t only one tentative that I tried. I went through this link :

and saw this list:

then, I tried to search all of them in linkedin, I found some of most probable accounts, though I don’t know they are the exact member or some other person.

The majority of them haven’t accepted the connect request for me to text them. Two of them accepted recently, so I have left text to them today. I am now waiting for their reply to confirm if they are the ones we are searching for.

But, as you mentioned, the team seems to be dead for a decade now as public ML seems fully inactive since 2013.

Also, there haven’t been any activities in recent time that I know of from the Loco in the country.

This makes the task harder for me, I know that this is going to happen. We are a team of passionate open source and ubuntu lovers. The goal here is to revive the dead loco. And I am not a single person, there will be other members joining too, who will make the Loco active once again after a long time.

If I have missed anything, please do let me know. Also, if you can help me with contact the previous members, It would really be helpful.

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I didn’t knew I had to subscribe to the ML before posting, because I saw this in the info page:

More info on how mailing lists work: Mailing Lists - Contribute - Ubuntu Community Hub

then, I tried to search all of them in linkedin, I found some of most probable accounts, though I don’t know they are the exact member or some other person.

Linkedin is IMHO the wrong tool for this job. I’d expect all formal members to be registered launchpad, from where you can send messages, as well as possibly find further information on how to contact them.

And I am not a single person, there will be other members joining too, who will make the Loco active once again after a long time.

That’s very encouraging to read! Where are you meeting for now? How would you plans/behaviour change once the takeover is complete?

Note that besides calling yourself “Ubuntu Napal”, nothing is stopping you from doing anything already! :slight_smile: You and these others should feel free to already start doing anything that you would like to do. I really want to stress how this step is mostly bureaucratic in nature, and is not some sort of request for permission. If you want to engage in, for example, going around town talking about Ubuntu, go ahead!


Thank you for the resource, I will go through it and follow it properly.

Also, I will do my best to contact with the members, if it is possible.

That is what we are already doing here in Nepal, and It has almost been a year doing it. Already given 10 + training and information sessions to 500+ students and attendees. You can find the references in the linkedin url I have posted in the Post.


@mapreri just for information… I have met the previous ubuntu nepal local community team lead Ravi Bhattarai personally and he has said that he is in the United States now concentrating on his career and I have seen Aditya from close quarters and his interaction during ubucon Asia 2024 and as organiser of Ubucon Asia 2025 in Kathmandu Nepal…

So it’s a part of efforts of rebooting ubuntu in nepal much like ubuntu in india…

Based on this thread we will come up with an application for ubuntu india handover too …



@younggunner14 can you involve someone from the ubuntu-dde team or some of your friends who are as passionate as you and who has signed the ubuntu code of conduct along with you as co lead?

In that way, it would seem more like a team work rather than a one man show?

Just a suggestion



If you got some more folks who would be involved with you as prospective leaders, could you add at least 2 more?

Are there any scheduled ubuntu relevant events (such as meetups, Testing/Translatioin Jams, Hands on lab or other activities) other then UbuCon Asia this year? or any plans to schedule this year.

And seems like this folk is the current owner of the Nepalese LoCo tea on LP. I see this folk’s multiple email addresses on LP profile (social accounts section) and gpg key.

let’s try to ping this contact info and see if we can receive any response.


Yeah sure, as you know, when we bid for UbuCon Asia 2025, we bid as a team. I will add the other members of the team to the list too.

Sure, this won’t be a problem. I will add other folks too to the list.

Yes, the plan is, for the pre events of UbuCon Asia we are going to schedule lots of ubuntu related information and training session, so that the students become more aware about the conference and ubuntu and join us in the conference.

And for contacting the owner, I guess I will text to Mr. Ravi Bhattarai too, if he have some idea on this.

Thanks :slight_smile: Then could you add list of planned events under “If prospective leaders have LoCo activity plans for the future, please describe” section? I want to see something specific and feasible rather then just few broad ideas.

For example:

  • Ubuntu Translation Workshop, during Q1, 30 pax, XSC
  • Ubuntu 25.04 Release party, during Q2, 30 pax, Kathmandu University
  • Ubuntu Testing Jams, during Q3, 30 pax, XSC
  • UbuCon Asia, Aug 30-31, XSC
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@sukso96100 Yes surely. That won’t be a problem. I have added the details now.

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@younggunner14 I Regarding this, I see a few familiar names in my contacts. One of them is Mr. Subir Pradhanang. He is currently in Australia. I can connect you with him if that would be helpful. Also, I have indirect contact with Mr. Jwalanta Shrestha and Prabin Raj. Thanks :slight_smile:

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@aadarshadhakalg Yes sure buddy, If you can get me in touch with any of them, that would really be helpful. Thanks.