Vote: Nepalese LoCo Handover request

Hello @loco-council,

As all of us already know, We have received LoCo Handover request for Nepalese LoCo on the first day of this new year. And We’ve been going through following steps to see if it would be good to handover Nepalese LoCo to the prospective leaders.

We have also had some time to ask questions to prospective leaders regarding their plans with leading the Nepalese LoCo. With that, Now it’s time to vote to decide if we’re going to handover Nepalese LoCo to the prospective leaders or not.


Please vote until 2025-01-17T15:00:00Z. Only members of @loco-council can cast ballot. Vote deadline may advance in case every member of the LoCo Council finished casting their ballot earlier.

To handover Nepalese LoCo to prospective leaders, number of people casted ballot must meet quorum and more than half of answers needs to be “Yes”.

Do you agree with handing over the Nepalese LoCo to prospective leaders? (Aaditya Singh, Sailesh Singh, Utsav Bhattarai)
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Once we made decision to handover, We’ll be continuing with “Identify resources needs to be handed over to prospective leaders” step. Which is the final step of the LoCo handover process.


Seems like everyone casted their ballot :slight_smile: I’ll close vote within a few hours.

So, Here is the result.

Vote result

Do you agree with handing over the Nepalese LoCo to prospective leaders? (Aaditya Singh, Sailesh Singh, Utsav Bhattarai)

As a result of the vote, We’re now moving on to “Identify resources needs to be handed over to prospective leaders” step. Thank you all @loco-council members for voting :slight_smile: