LoCo Handover Request Template

Approved by @loco-council with vote at 2024-08-28T09:32:00Z. Click this link for vote details.

Use this template to submit LoCo Handover Request described in [Draft] LoCo Handover Process For discourse topic title, please use <Region name> LoCo | LoCo Handover Request (e.g. Indonesian LoCo | LoCo Handover Request) Make sure to remove banners including this when submitting a request.

LoCo Information

  • Name of Ubuntu LoCo:
  • Link to LoCo’s Launchpad team:
  • Link to LoCo’s Ubuntu Discourse (if exists):

Requester Information

  • Name:
  • Discourse username (with @):
  • Link to Launchpad profile:
  • Are you current leader or prospective leader?:
    • Current leader (Have the ownership of a LoCo)
    • Prospective leader
  • Have you signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct on Launchpad?:
    • Yes
    • Not yet
  • What is your request? (You may check both if applies)
    • Handover a LoCo ownership
    • Handover LoCo resources mentioned on the Handover process documentation. (such as Launchpad team, Discourse category, Mailing list and so on.)

Details for Resources handover request

Please check resources that needs to be handed over with help from the LoCo Council

  • LoCo Team on Launchpad
  • Discourse LoCo Category
  • Domain access (ubuntu-**.org)
  • Mailing list
  • Admin access of Real time chat channels: (IRC(Libera.chat) and Matrix (ubuntu.com))

Details for Ownership handover request

If you are one of prospective leaders, have you tried to reach out current leaders? Did they respond to your contact?

If you are one of prospective leaders, and were not able to get any response from current leaders, are there any other ways of communication you would like to suggest?

Does current leaders agrees to handover LoCo to prospective leaders?

If prospective leaders have done any activities in recent 6 months, please provide brief report with links or attachments (such as blog posts, event reports, photos and more)

If prospective leaders have LoCo activity plans for the future, please describe

List of prospective leaders

Name Launchpad URL Discourse handle Signed Ubuntu CoC on Launchpad? Launchpad Profile up to date? Short biography
Name launchpad.net/~username @username Yes/No Yes/No Short biography here

Looks great… as I said in the other thread… if the previous leaders are MIA entirely for a long period of time then, does the takeover happen by default?

If i understood your questions correctly, sounds like if current leaders(who are currently marked as leader on launchpad or discourse anyway) have been entirely missing will takeover happen by default.

I would say, The handover process basically happens only if there’s a request. And the actual handover will only happen if we found it is correct to handover LoCo to new(prospective) leaders.

Thanks then :blush: @aryan and myself will apply for the takeover of Ubuntu India loco team after ubucon Asia.

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