Lenovo Thinkpad P16 Gen2 laptop won't accept 24.04

Ubuntu Version:
Brand new Lenovo Thinkpad P16 Gen2 laptop came with 22.04 LTS. Seems to work okay although there were a couple of glitches. I want 24.04 which is what I have on my 10 year old Thinkpad.

Desktop Environment (if applicable):

Problem Description:

This computer came with upgrades set to “Never”. Tried to set to normal and upgrade failed. Had I known all this stuff I never would have bought this computer, and unless tech support can give me help, I’m returning it. I will not accept a non-upgradable Linux machine.

I’d welcome any additional feedback anyone here may have.

Relevant System Information:

Screenshots or Error Messages:

What I’ve Tried:

I was directed here by this post on Ubuntu Forums which was closed and told to come here.

1 Like

Hi and welcome to Ubuntu Discourse :slight_smile:

Can you please post a screenshot of where you tried to change the upgrade settings.

What glitches are you referring to?

Hmm, the error messages I tried to post did not make it into my original post. Let me try again.

$ sudo do-release-upgrade
[sudo] password for scohen: 
Checking for a new Ubuntu release
In /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades Prompt 
is set to never so upgrading is not possible.

So, I updated /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to make the Prompt “normal”. I then got this error message:

$ sudo do-release-upgrade
[sudo] password for scohen: 
Error during update 

A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of 
network problem, please check your network connection and retry. 

E:The repository 'file:/usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/archive 
Release' does not have a Release file., W:Updating from such a 
repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by 
default., W:See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and 
user configuration details., W:Skipping acquire of configured file 
'jiayi/binary-amd64/Packages' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/i18n/Translation-en' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/Components-amd64.yml' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), 
W:Skipping acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/icons-48x48.tar' 
as repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' 
doesn't have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in 
sources.list?), W:Skipping acquire of configured file 
'jiayi/dep11/icons-64x64.tar' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/icons-64x64@2.tar' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), 
W:Skipping acquire of configured file 'jiayi/cnf/Commands-amd64' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?) 

Restoring original system state

Reading package lists... Done    
Building dependency tree... Done 
Reading state information... Done

As for the glitches, they were present during my first login. I turned the machine on and nothing came up. I restarted it and then it did come up. There were some initial error messages about “ACPI” but I don’t remember them all. They are not the main issue.

When you say “normal” do you mean you changed from this:

To this:

stevecoh1 - Hello

Opps not to step on rubi1200’s toes :stuck_out_tongue:

is very specific - what the manager requires of you is to set the upgrade-prompt to lts - in your case upgrading from 22,04 to 24.04 is a direct jump from a LTS release to the next LTS release.
see the file:

less /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

jiayi - no idea of what jiayi is. But we can get some idea of what is going on.
post back the result:

less /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources

Edit again - ooppsie — 22.04 release with the legacy sources.list file

less /etc/apt/sources.list

see what we can finger out.

-It’s in the process-

No. There are three possible settings for the Prompt as it states in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades:, never, lts, and normal. Actually, I first did try lts and that run of ```

$ cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
# Default behavior for the release upgrader.

# Default prompting and upgrade behavior, valid options:
#  never  - Never check for, or allow upgrading to, a new release.
#  normal - Check to see if a new release is available.  If more than one new
#           release is found, the release upgrader will attempt to upgrade to
#           the supported release that immediately succeeds the
#           currently-running release.
#  lts    - Check to see if a new LTS release is available.  The upgrader
#           will attempt to upgrade to the first LTS release available after
#           the currently-running one.  Note that if this option is used and
#           the currently-running release is not itself an LTS release the
#           upgrader will assume prompt was meant to be normal.

I tried both normal and lts without success.

 less /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources: No such file or directory
~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 22.04 LTS _Jammy Jellyfish_ - pc-sutton-jammy-amd64-20240507-834]/ jammy main

# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted

## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates main restricted
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates main restricted

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy universe
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy universe
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates universe
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates universe

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
## security team.
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy multiverse
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy multiverse
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates multiverse
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-updates multiverse

## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse
# deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse

Re: your point #2. As I see it, this use of prompt=never is an abuse of this setting. The keyword “prompt” implies that the user who set that setting does not want to be bothered by upgrade prompts which they find annoying. By using it in this way, Lenovo (the manufacturer) is locking their machine against the normal or lts upgrade process because of an unfixed bug that renders those unworkable. See https://askubuntu.com/questions/115913/disable-ubuntu-update-managers-new-version-warning. This implies that to update is the norm, which a user, at his sole discretion, may choose not to do. Some users may only want LTS upgrades, others want to live more on the bleeding edge. As someone pointed out on an earlier thread, the purchaser of a new computer has a right to expect five years of available Ubuntu OS updates. This system has about 2 years, 3 months of such updates available unless Lenovo fix this.

Also, please see this github site for Jiayi.
It clearly states that this project’s purpose is to create Minecraft drivers. By disallowing upgrades because of an incompatibility with a Minecraft driver, Lenovo essentially locks all users out of the upgrade process due to a driver they won’t use.

There must be a better solution.

I have seen a few pre-installed systems. They often have a modified grub to boot an ISO image as recovery mode and other unique settings. They may have added drivers, but often vendors eventually release drivers to be added to kernel or distributions.

If drive is large enough (you mention 4GB in askubuntu) I would use gparted to shrink partition to make a new / (root) partition. If a newer users I might suggest moving /home to a new partition and using that with new install. But upgrade may modify settings that then may not work in old install. Or good backups required.
I prefer to keep /home inside / (root) for all my installs. Sometimes I copy the hidden (.) files & folders so configurtion is same and sometimes I want to experiment with settings and manually configure system. I keep all data like Documents, Picures, Music, etc in a data partition and link folders back into / so system looks like a standard install, but data actually in another partition. sometimes same drive sometimes another drive. I then separately backup /home & data partition. I have posted details in forums & AskUbuntu, but if interested I will post details on how I set up data partition(s).

You can easily allocate 50 or 60GB to another / to do a test install to see if it works. I do not install snaps, so normally allocate 30 to 40GB, but have seen users with 20GB in snaps alone, so more space now required with snaps. And I use Kubuntu as it has worked on both old and newer systems and seems full featured.

Last install will have grub that is in control of booting. If you want a different install, just boot into it and run this which assumes a lot of defaults but works if it previous was a working UEFI install.
sudo grub-install

I know this might defeat the purpose of your original post but what about backing up all important data, downloading and burning 24.04 as a live USB, install it with the setup you want?

Or is this not possible? Perhaps I missed something?

This is a brand new computer. There is literally nothing that I need there that isn’t already saved somewhere like Google (GMail). I have created a 24.04 bootable USB and gone so far as to boot from it (but not install). What stops me are these two OEM packages

  • jiyai
  • sutton

which caused the error on the upgrade. I don’t know what they are or what they do, and what might fail if they aren’t present. I don’t know what other packages depend on them if any. I have a vague notion that jiyai does something if you play Minecraft which I don’t. Does anything else depend on it? I don’t know. I have no idea what Sutton does or what depends on it.

If I could find this information somewhere, I might be willing to try the reimaging.

stevecoh1 - Yukkie poo

Spinning wheels but getting nowhere.

Let is “suppose” that jiyai and sutton are 3rd party entities.
Have a look into apt’s 3rd party directory:

tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

See if the 3rd party directory sheds any light on the upgrade issue.

-through rose colored glasses, darkly-


$ tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lenovo-oem.list <==
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/gpg/oem_pubkeys.asc] file:///usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/archive /

==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lenovo-oem.list.distUpgrade <==
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/gpg/oem_pubkeys.asc] file:///usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/archive /

==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oem-jiayi-meta.list <==
deb http://oem.archive.canonical.com/ jammy jiayi
# deb-src http://oem.archive.canonical.com/ jammy jiayi

==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oem-jiayi-meta.list.distUpgrade <==
deb http://oem.archive.canonical.com/ jammy jiayi
# deb-src http://oem.archive.canonical.com/ jammy jiayi

==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oem-sutton-barrett-meta.list <==
deb http://lenovo.archive.canonical.com/ jammy sutton
# deb-src http://lenovo.archive.canonical.com/ jammy sutton

==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oem-sutton-barrett-meta.list.distUpgrade <==
deb http://lenovo.archive.canonical.com/ jammy sutton
# deb-src http://lenovo.archive.canonical.com/ jammy sutton

stevecoh1 - Uh Huh

Seems that your source – as apt suggest, is ill formed.
a) Looks to me to be jammy-jiayi/
b) should be jammy-sutton/ ?

as to whether these are needed - your guess is better than mine :stuck_out_tongue:

-Progress, one step at a time-

Your suggestion if I understand you correctly, is to edit the appropriate files. i.e.


changing jammy jiayi to jammy-jiayi


changing jammy sutton to jammy-sutton

Do I have that right?

stevecoh1 - Yeah

Editing the sources is what I would try.

-hold Ubunu’s mouth right-

Thanks, Popey. I have posted the actual error message in several places but apparently not here.

I now do so.

$ sudo do-release-upgrade
[sudo] password for scohen: 
Checking for a new Ubuntu release
In /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades Prompt 
is set to never so upgrading is not possible.

Tried changing it to both “normal” and “lts”. In both cases I get this error message.

$ sudo do-release-upgrade
[sudo] password for scohen: 
Error during update 

A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of 
network problem, please check your network connection and retry. 

E:The repository 'file:/usr/share/volatile/lenovo-oem/archive 
Release' does not have a Release file., W:Updating from such a 
repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by 
default., W:See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and 
user configuration details., W:Skipping acquire of configured file 
'jiayi/binary-amd64/Packages' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/i18n/Translation-en' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/Components-amd64.yml' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), 
W:Skipping acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/icons-48x48.tar' 
as repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' 
doesn't have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in 
sources.list?), W:Skipping acquire of configured file 
'jiayi/dep11/icons-64x64.tar' as repository 
'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't have the 
component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), W:Skipping 
acquire of configured file 'jiayi/dep11/icons-64x64@2.tar' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?), 
W:Skipping acquire of configured file 'jiayi/cnf/Commands-amd64' as 
repository 'http://oem.archive.canonical.com noble InRelease' doesn't 
have the component 'jiayi' (component misspelt in sources.list?) 

Restoring original system state

Reading package lists... Done    
Building dependency tree... Done 
Reading state information... Done
1 Like

Ok, as I expected. Everything stands with what I wrote.

Just a hunch, but any PPA’s active?

inxi -r

Should show us for sure.

It would others here to help you if you indicated exactly what the failure is, whether you see any on screen message?

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