How to install the Landscape Client snap

This document describes how to install the Landscape Client snap and some general limitations of the snap. If you want to install the Debian package instead of the snap, see how to install Landscape Client.

Install and set up the Landscape Client snap

You must be running a self-hosted Landscape server version 23.10 or later (or beta) to use the snap.

The Landscape Client snap is available in the Snap Store. This installation method is suitable for Ubuntu Core devices but can also be used on classic Ubuntu systems.


To install the snap, run:

sudo snap install landscape-client

The installation of the snap will also automatically connect the necessary interfaces for the client, granting it permission to remotely manage the device through Landscape.


After you’ve installed landscape-client snap, you’ll need to provide some basic configuration values to finish setting up the snap. There are three possible methods to configure the snap.

Method #1: Use the configuration wizard

You can use the configuration wizard to guide you through the configuration process. To do this, run:

sudo landscape-client.config

Then follow the prompts and provide an requested information.

Method #2: Provide the information as parameters

You can provide any necessary information directly as parameters. To do this, run:

sudo landscape-client.config --silent --account-name="${LANDSCAPE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" --computer-title="${LANDSCAPE_COMPUTER_TITLE}" --tags='' --ping-url="http://${LANDSCAPE_FQDN}/ping" --url="https://${LANDSCAPE_FQDN}/message-system"

Replacing the placeholder variables with their appropriate values.

  • {LANDSCAPE_ACCOUNT_NAME}: Self-hosted Landscape users should set this to standalone.

  • {LANDSCAPE_COMPUTER_TITLE}: The name of the computer you’re installing the snap on. You choose this name.

  • {LANDSCAPE_FQDN}: The FQDN used during your Landscape Server installation.

When the configuration is complete, you’ll receive confirmation that the client was registered successfully or if an error occurred.

Method #3: Use set to set individual configuration values

You can use the snap set command to set individual configuration values. For example:

snap set landscape-client computer-title {LANDSCAPE_COMPUTER_TITLE}
snap set landscape-client url {LANDSCAPE_URL}

After setting any configuration variables using set, you’ll need to restart the client snap for the new configuration to be applied:

snap restart landscape-client

The options you can set with snap set are:

  • account-name

  • computer-title

  • landscape-url

  • log-level

  • script-users

  • manager-plugins

  • monitor-plugins

  • access-group

  • registration-key

Accept the registration

If you’re using a registration key, you don’t need to accept the registration. Your device will enrol automatically. For more information on auto-registration, see how to auto-register new devices.

If you didn’t specify a registration key, you’ll need to accept the registration request in the Landscape web portal. You’ll receive an alert that a pending computer/device needs approval. If you’re re-installing a device that previously existed in Landscape, you can select it during this stage of the registration if you want to reuse the instance.

To accept the registration from the alerts menu in the header:

  1. Click on the alert

  2. Confirm that the device attempting to enrol is your device

  3. Click Accept

Your device will then appear in your list of computers, which is found in the Computers page in the header. It may take a few minutes to start populating information.

@yanisa-hs in case of Ubuntu Core 24 as base it’s not possible to install and configure landscape-client properly because of:

Error: Error preparing image: cannot add snap "landscape-client" without also adding its base "core22" explicitly

I do not think that two base versions (core22 and core24 is a good idea). So, maybe you know, where this kind of issue can be addressed?

Hi @yurymkomarov, having two core versions is not an issue and is in fact per design. Installing landscape-client on a core24 device should automatically install core22 as a dependency if it is not already installed.

We are looking at a core24 based Landscape-client snap for the future, but this is not high priority. I am a little surprised though that you get this error though as it should all be handled for you by snapd.


hello @mikec-w !

thank you for the reply. okay, I got. then will keep both cores in my image.