Hello to old and new acquaintances

We are glad you are here yetimon64.

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Good to see all the intrepid Forum-ites who made the crossing!

FYI about half of the old staff team have ended up as moderators here, plus there are one or two folks who are mods here but not on the Forums.

There are still one or two speed bumps, but I think we’re getting them sorted.


Thanks, yeti :smiley:

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I’ll rehandle myself as “Ubuguy97” - following the scheme I came up with when I was nine - before my 2011 UbuntuForums account!

I hope I can contribute here; but my experience is probably more linux-y than Ubuntu [albeit still only a power user and not a linuxpro97… (see my own thread :D) ]

I would like however love to contribute to a good “noob” community where I feel I can chip in by reading some manpages and stumbling around a shell for myself!


@yetimon64 Very happy to see you here Mate. :smile:


Hello from me, making my presence felt.

I joined the Ubuntu Forums in 2007, but quietly stepped away nearly four years ago due to a major upheaval in my personal life.

I’ll be coming by from time to time but probably won’t be as active as I formerly was.


Welcome! Good to see you here!

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Hey lisati! Good to see some familiar people :slight_smile:


I’ve already posted a question and got superb support as usual. I also skim a lot of support questions to see who’s answering and noting familiar names. Seems quite a few of the ‘old’ mods haven’t transferred and I know some took the chance to ‘retire’ - which is fair enough. TheFu also seems to have disappeared which is a real shame - I see questions that would have definitely been actioned. I guess there is still time and it is satisfying (to me at least) to see many familiar names still providing their generous time and support. Thank you.


I am from ubuntuforums.org. Change of identity. Still a bit dazed landing as a shipwrecked sailor on this island. Agree that crew member TheFu et al observations are missed. But I find that we can still do Advanced Search on old forum by Username + Subject.
e.g. TheFu … backup
Also I find that I can Advanced Search ubuntuforums.org on Wayback Machine … for posterity.

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@dl-ubuntu Welcome (welcome back) :slight_smile:

Welcome glad you are here and I personally messaged TheFu and he really didn’t want to come to discourse I tried to convince him but it looks like he decided not to come but I am still hoping he will change his mind.

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@Wild_Man Have we considered free cookies and milk as a bribe?


It is good to see more familiar users make their way here. I miss TheFu too, dude helped me a lot and many others over the years. We can hope that someday he and some others will appear soon.

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:rofl: As you know I invited a few people like yourself I am glad you came over.

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