Hello to old and new acquaintances

I’m pretty much just the average user. Received a lot of help in the past getting to know Linux from this community, I’m very relieved it seems to be keeping together & finding it’s way forward. I was a bit concerned over earlier months when uncertainties were aired over the future. Most of the time now life rolls on & my Lubuntu never throws me a curve but it’s good to know the bannister rail is still there. Godspeed

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Hello and welcome we are glad you are here and yes support continues.

My name is tea-for-one, Commander of the armies of New to Ubuntu, General of Installations & Upgrades, loyal servant to the true emperor Marcus Shuttleworthus Ubuntus. Father to a murdered thread, Husband to countless beans. And I will have my entrance in this forum or the next.

Plagiarism – surely not……………


Hello, glad you took me up on coming over here, I didn’t know you are a poet but apparently you are nice job.

They have their exits and their entrances … to murder Shakespeare, and in this case we welcome the entrance and hope that the exit is a loooooong way away in the future. :slight_smile:

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I am replying to my own post because at the time I made the post I was not inclined to add anything more than what I wrote. I was “gray” at the time.

I joined Ubuntu Forums in 2010. Although I was lurking on the Forums for a while before that and learning. I started posting in the Forums because I wanted to give something back for the gift of Ubuntu. I still feel that way.

I am a home user and I try to give help from a home user’s point of view.

What was my first version of Ubuntu? I cannot remember. I was definitely using Feisty Fawn.

Well that is all I can give at the moment. Regards to all.


Graham ^

Long time prolific contributor - Great that you have made the transition :smiley:

-simply wonderful-

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Yup that’s pretty much the same here average user who also received help in the past.
Nowadays I scan the forums over when I have an issue.
I figure I’m not the only one having the issue I may have.

Ubuntu and Ubuntu flavors for the most have worked OOTB on my old desktops.


Hello all, I’m the poorly name “ubupro97” - I used my account for a few tech help posts in the 2010s, my account is from 2011 when I was in grade 9 at high school! I will miss the ubuntu forums, but hopefully we’ll have an active community here! :slight_smile:

Currently distro hopping like mad, main workstation is on 24.04 (pending kernel playing ball to get it to 24.10); I have a laptop on Neon and I am support for my Dad running Ubuntu Mate 24.04 which he’s upgraded incrementally since 16.04!


Welcome joshuagmiller0 -
With everyone’s help we will have “an active community here!”
Sharing your experience in support will go a long way.

-Together we do-


Welcome and glad you are here.


I was part of the older Ubuntu Forums but drifted away from there some time ago. It was the Ubuntu Forums that taught me about Linux and shaped me from the greenest new user to something hopefully a little less raw :slightly_smiling_face:.

Good to see that the old Forums is rising Phoenix-like from the ashes. I am not convinced that I will have a huge presence here as I am heavily committed elsewhere but I will be here when I am able.

Good to see some old friends here too !!


Hi Andrew.46, I am glad you are here no matter how much time you have to contribute.

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I recon Hanover from my exchange year in Harrisburg, PA! It’s a while… 1989-90. I was in the band and I believe we played football against a school in Hanover… I don’t remember. I was also in the swim team and maybe we went there racing?

I work at an IT company in Linköping, Sweden, and we use all a Ubuntu servers and computers. I manage the backup and the network administrator. Maybe you’ve never heard of Linköping? Maybe you’ve heard of the Swedish fighterjet JAS? Linköping is the home of JAS and they fly 2-3 times a week just outside my office window. It’s entertaining! I love it!


Me too! I am new to all of this. Thank you for the hello.

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Hi, I am also new to Discourse. Have been using Ubuntu since the early days of ‘Hardy Heron’ in 2008 and joined in the Forums since Dec 2009. Helped a few people with various issues with varying degrees of success. My special ability is to sometimes ask the most obvious and basic of questions to any issue. There are a few names and avatars I recognise and also a lot I hope remember in the future.


Westie457; Yup !

Glad that you made the switch >
More help is a great thing.

-the water is fine-

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Hi westie457, I always have been glad to see you on the forum and happy you mad the jump here.

Oh, you work in the Swedish aerospace industry; A coincidence, I worked in the US aerospace industry for many years before retiring.
Nice to hear you have fond memories of your exchange year in Harrisburg. We are not native Pennsylvanians; we only moved up here in 2003.

@him610, Good to see a good number of the old UF names and avatars here, it was a bit of a surprise to me hearing UF is shutting down, cheers.
@1fallen , g’day, good to see you here as well :wave:

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