Getting Help and Support with Lubuntu

If you need help and support with Lubuntu, please visit the main Help and Support category.

Please make sure to add the lubuntu tag if you make a new post there. You can also use that to search specifically for Lubuntu-related requests.

We may be moving the posts from our old Lubuntu Discourse instance here, but until then, please search the Support category there. Do note, however, that site is in read-only mode, so if you have a follow-up, post it on this site.

At some point in the future, we should have a Help and Support subcategory within this subcategory.


Maybe it could be a good idea to ensure somehow that all topics concerning Lubuntu get tagged with ‘lubuntu’ - even in this Lubuntu subcategory - at least until the mentioned sub-subcategory ‘Help and Support’ is established? Then there will be a single virtual room for the new Lubuntu forum right now, accessed by Topics tagged lubuntu.
This would make checking for new posts, their reading and replying to them a bit easier.


That is certainly the plan. Of course, if the OP doesn’t do the tagging, we have to find it. That might be harder. I think the staff will help us out here.