Weekly news #367

Weekly status for the week of 7th October to 13th October.


In the past week, LXD has received several features and bug fixes. The highlights are new a lxc command for creating files, symbolic links, and directories without specifying their source, and the ability to delete TLS and OIDC fine-grain identities. Additionally, new LXD Terraform provider release 2.4.0 brings support for managing storage buckets.

Thanks to all the contributors.

Allow removing TLS and OIDC identities

LXD now supports removal of TLS and OIDC identities. Note that all existing TLS identities are not fine-grained, therefore they cannot be removed. The ability to managed fine grained access controls for TLS identities is going to be added shortly.

# Remove an OIDC identity.
lxc auth identity delete oidc/my-user@example.com

Documentation (manpage): lxc auth identity delete

Create files and directories in instances (from Incus)

The lxc file CLI command now supports creating files, directories, and symbolic links in instances without the need to specify the source using the new create sub-command.

# Create a file /bar in instance foo.
lxc file create foo/bar

# Create a symlink /bar in instance foo whose target is baz.
lxc file create --type=symlink foo/bar baz

Documentation (manpage): lxc file create


  • Token pruning, which removes operations of canceled or expired tokens, now occurs each hour instead of each minute.

  • Fixed an issue where the reported storage space for the PowerFlex driver used decimal units (GB/TB) instead of binary (GiB/TiB). Now, LXD reports the correct values, matching what is displayed in the PowerFlex UI.

  • Fixed an issue with the rsync AppArmor profile that prevented writing files with security.* extended attributes.

  • Fixed lxc auto-completion for storage volume copy command. Additionally, the lxc now also auto completes images in various commands, such as when launching an instance.

All changes

The items listed below is all of the work which happened over the past week and which will be included in the next release.



LXD Charm

LXD Terraform provider

LXD Terraform provider has received a new release 2.4.0. The highlight is added support for storage buckets.


  • Nothing to report this week

Distribution work

This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXD as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.


  • Nothing to report this week.

LXD snap