Just wanted to make a note here that the ubuntu-uk.org domain currently points to an empty site. It used to be Wordpress, but the installation fell into disrepair, so we made it unavailable. The box that the domain points to is a bitfolk.com VPS, but it’s quite old - running a 32-bit install of 18.04.6.
Ideally somewhere should be found to host a simple site. This could be just a signpost to everything else (like here, irc, matrix etc), and information about upcoming events. If we used a static site generator like nikola or hugo, and put the code in github then anyone could potentially contribute.
I’d be happy to help if someone wants to lead this. I’d strongly recommend we move away from the box that the domain is currently on for sure.
Your template is excellent for a LoCo team looking to quickly bootstrap a web presence. Would you be opposed to me forking it and making a more generic template for folks to use?
Sorry to jump into the UK Local Community but I heard Popey talking about this on the Linux Matters podcast and it got my attention.
@aaronprisk, I would love to get something going here in the St. Louis area. Please let me know how I can help here in the US. I think, currently, we only have a couple of groups. One in Arizona and the other, well, I’m not sure.