Ubuntu Sweden

Installing that thing for desktop isn’t exactly straightforward. :frowning: The “Ubuntu package” depends on jitsi-archive-keyring, which I found here after som googling. Fortunately I also found a script which I didn’t run, but which provides the hints I needed to be able start jitsi.

Probably the web interface is a safer option.

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I’ve never used the desktop application but i assumed it would work. I always use the web version.
It’s available as a Flatpak https://flathub.org/apps/org.jitsi.jitsi-meet
Maybe i should try to make a snap out of it :slight_smile:

Maybe this works better

Maybe. I’m going to use the web interface tomorrow.

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Here’s the URL https://meet.jit.si/UbuntuSEColoStartupMeeting