This documentation has moved to a new home! Please update your bookmarks to the new URL for the up-to-date version of this page.
Our reference section is used for quickly checking what software and commands are available, and how to interact with various tools.
Server installation
Installation requirements | |
System requirements | |
The Ubuntu installer now has its own documentation for automatic (or “hands-off” installations). For more guidance on auto-installing Ubuntu with the installer, you can refer to the following guides from the Ubuntu installer documentation (note: these pages will redirect you outside of the Server Guide).
Automatic installation | |
Autoinstall config file reference | |
Autoinstall JSON schema |
Cloud images
Cloud images | |
Overview | |
Find cloud images for… | |
Amazon EC2* | |
Google Compute Engine (GCE)* | |
Microsoft Azure* |
* Note: these starred links will redirect you outside the Server Guide to the officially maintained versions of this documentation
High availability
Migrate from crmsh to pcs |
Reference table of corresponding commands | |
Backups and version control
Example scripts | |
Basic backup shell script | |
Archive rotation shell script | |
ROCK images
These pages are for those interested in packaging and Ubuntu development