Ubuntu Membership is an official recognition of significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu or the Ubuntu community.
Together we have the opportunity to bring real technological freedom to every part of the world, across multiple devices and the cloud, and clothed in an elegant, beautiful, experience. It is a bold vision, but our greatest strength in Ubuntu is our community and together we can do this. Come and join us and be a part of bringing Ubuntu to the masses.
Jono Bacon, Former Ubuntu Community Manager
Membership Requirements
We look for sustained and significant contributions in membership applications. While there is no precise period that we look for, it is recommended that individuals applying for membership have at least six months of sustained Ubuntu-related contributions along with supporting testimonials from other contributors and Ubuntu Members in the community.
Learn more about the Ubuntu Membership Requirements.
Membership Perks
Individuals who apply and are awarded membership are entitled to a number of unique benefits including:
- A certificate signed by Ubuntu SABDFL and Canonical CEO, Mark Shuttleworth.
- Voting privileges to confirm Ubuntu Community Council nominations.
- Ubuntu Pro for up to 50 systems for access to ESM and Kernel Live Patching
- An @ubuntu.com email alias that forwards to your real email address.
- An Ubuntu Member cloak on Libera.Chat.
- A subscription to Linux Weekly News.
- … and other enticing perks.
Membership Application Process
If you think you meet the contribution requirements, please see the Membership Application Process to discover how to create and submit your application.