The main topic of this meeting was the LoCo Handover process. However, during the discussion some side topics popped up.
Launchpad team ownership
After some discussion, we agreed that ideally the LoCo Council should be the owner of any LoCo Launchpad team. That would make any action needed by the LoCo Council easier, including the handover process.
Where would handover process happen
Prospective leaders should create a topic in discourse to request LoCo handover then LoCo Council will need to contact current leaders. If current leaders agrees with handover they should reply on discourse then LoCo Council can confirm they can proceed with handover.
Contacting current leaders
LoCo Council to try to reach out current leaders then wait for 15 days. This can be attempted 2 times more. If no response after maximum tries it would be fine to handover (considered inactive).
LoCo Leader’s Launchpad profile should include some public contact info
That is needed so the LoCo Council can easily contact them, and this should be a policy for LoCo Leaders (Email address, gpg key, social accounts registered and public).
LoCo Activities
LoCo should put their activity report on discourse (link to other social media is also fine) so that LoCo Council can easily track if LoCo is active or not, validate and decide if we’ll provide LoCo pack or not. Any benefit provided by Ubuntu to those LoCos will be measured by their presence in the official Ubuntu discourse, centralizing all the info there (even if there a just links to other platforms).
Action Items
Post summary of discussion on Aug 1 IRL meeting on DebConf - kanashiro
LoCo Handover Request Template required
LoCo Request category needs to be setup - ilvipero
Finish the handover draft - youngbin
Try to coordinate on how we’ll vote on discourse - kanashiro
Try to contact then wait for 15 days. If no response after 15 days, then try same thing up to 2 more times. So it’s total up to 3 trials.
Well we’ll need some discussion within LoCo Council. But in my opinion I think you and @aryan are already current leaders of Indian LoCo, So probably just request to handover resources of Indian LoCo.
Btw, What’s MIA report? - Just asking as i haven’t heard about this.
When packages used to be orphaned in Debian, the previous maintainer would be declared as MIA and the QA team would do NMUs until a new maintainer takes over
So, was thinking, a short report on similar lines would be great before the loco handover
as a member of the MIA team in Debian, I can assure we have no spare capacity to also track this and chase people, so -despite the fact that it would make sense- it would just be noise to us.
we’ll simply take action when there are reasons to do so, like somebody else wanting to take over, or when there are actually problem stemming from their inaction.
So, in that case, we can just automate the mails as well @mapreri for the loco handover process
Like when the present owner tends to take over the loco from a previous owner, if the previous owner has an email on launchpad, it can send automatic notifications.
Also, in the case previous owner is mia and busy, we can just email him that in 3 weeks from the date of the email, the handover will be taken over by the new leader if the old leader fails to respond.
Something, similar on the lines of what launchpad sends when an auto renewal is coming up.
In my view, 3 weeks is more than enough for a person to respond if he is actively involved in some capacity in the community.
And also, if any conflict arises the responsibility will then be on the owner who is MIA to explain why didn’t he respond to the 3 mail pings sent each week for 3 weeks.
I am just thinking about how to optimise the waiting period here