Ubuntu Browser Themes

Ubuntu Browser Themes

Release Name Chrome Theme Vivaldi Theme Category Author
Jammy Jellyfish Jammy Jellyfish - Color Jammy Jellyfish - Color Official Artwork Canonical
Mantic Minotaur Mantic Minotaur - Color Mantic Minotaur - Color Official Artwork Canonical
Mantic Minotaur Mantic Minotaur - Dark Mantic Minotaur - Dark Official Artwork Canonical
Mantic Minotaur Ubuntu Warrior Ubuntu Warrior Competition winner @jt05
Mantic Minotaur Minotaur Papercut Minotaur Papercut Competition winner @sbutcher
Mantic Minotaur Milkyway Milkyway Competition winner @mizuno-as
Noble Numbat Noble Numbat - Color Noble Numbat - Color Official Artwork Canonical
Noble Numbat Noble Numbat - Dark Noble Numbat - Dark Official Artwork Canonical
Noble Numbat Fuwafuwa Nanbatto San (light) Fuwafuwa Nanbatto San (light) Competition winner @amaral
Noble Numbat Fuwafuwa Nanbatto San (dark) Fuwafuwa Nanbatto San (dark) Competition winner @amaral
Noble Numbat Little Numbat Boy Little Numbat Boy Competition winner @azskalt
Noble Numbat Monument Valley Monument Valley Competition winner @orbitelambda
Noble Numbat Province of the north of France Province of the north of France Competition winner @orbitelambda
Noble Numbat Clouds Clouds Competition winner @moka-hun
Noble Numbat Fuji San Fuji San Competition winner @amaral
Noble Numbat Northan Lights Northan Lights Competition winner @mizuno-as
Noble Numbat Rainbow Lightbulb Rainbow Lightbulb Competition winner @audioaddict
Oracular Oriole Oracular Oriole - Color Oracular Oriole - Color Official Artwork Canonical
Oracular Oriole Oracular Oriole - Dark Oracular Oriole - Dark Official Artwork Canonical
Oracular Oriole OrioleMascot (light) OrioleMascot (light) Competition winner @moskalenko-v
Oracular Oriole OrioleMascot (dark) OrioleMascot (dark) Competition winner @moskalenko-v
Oracular Oriole Oriole 3D Oriole 3D Competition winner @meetdilip
Oracular Oriole Einsamer Raum Einsamer Raum Competition winner @orbitelambda
Oracular Oriole Arizona Night Arizona Night Competition winner @orbitelambda
Oracular Oriole Oriole Oriole Competition winner @schabing
Oracular Oriole Sunset Sunset Competition winner @gafreax
Oracular Oriole Ubuntu Legacy (dark) Ubuntu Legacy (dark) Competition winner @aaronprisk
Oracular Oriole Ubuntu Legacy (light) Ubuntu Legacy (light) Competition winner @aaronprisk
Oracular Oriole Warty remastered Warty remastered Competition winner @romactu1

Hi all, I added Vivaldi themes to the table!


Hi, nice job. But I am getting this error on the MacBook, Chrome Version 131.0.6778.265 (Official Build) (arm64)

Thank you for your feedback, I will have a look and get it fixed.


@ismailkayi I believe I found the issue. Could you please test these two and let me know if they work well for you ? Once you confirm, I can roll out the same change for other Oracular Oriole themes.

Oracular Oriole - Color
Oracular Oriole - Dark

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@ilvipero hey, both are working fine now. Thanks, you are so fast :slight_smile:


Thank you for confirming this!
Turns out, this issue does not come up when testing with the local packages, and google does not warn me at all while uploading, but there is a hard resolution cap at 2650x1440 on those NTP (Next Tab Picture).

I’ll change all the other Oracular Oriole themes accordingly. :partying_face:


Hey @ilvipero,

I saw my Warty Remastered wallpaper for Chrome and Vivaldi it’s actually really cool. :grinning:

Did you know that wallpaper is in 8K resolution?

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I am glad you liked the themes, those images are gorgeous, and deserve to be cross-platforms :smiley:
I had to resize wallpapers to 2560x1440 due to limitations with both Chrome and Vivaldi extension stores. Used locally, those work at any resolution I want though. Oh well… :person_shrugging:

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Hello @ilvipero,

Since Ubuntu has Mozilla Firefox included since 4.10 and 21.10 when it comes to a snap version (Replacing a DEB version), I just want to know if you’re willing to add those themes for Mozilla Firefox as an extension like on Google Chrome and Vivaldi.

If so, here’s how to do this for Firefox as an extension theme unless if you know how this works. :wink:

Unfortunately, customized background for a main page of Firefox cannot be uploaded, but it’s possible to make one manually and it’s customized top-bar background can still be uploaded at least. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would like to submit themes for Firefox but since it does not support NTP (New Tab Picture) feature, it would be really missing the spirit of these themes, which is to bring Ubuntu wallpapers to the browser. This is especially nice for people that cannot use Ubuntu on their device.

If you are willing to open a feature request to Firefox to allow NTP on Firefox themes, I will be happy to +1. And if they include that feature, I can commit to making themes for Firefox as well.

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I’ve seen somewhere that this possibility will arrive, but I’m not sure where or when. I saw some images and someone bragging about this feature.


@jofazepa may be on to something. There is a so-called NTP layout that has been progressively rolled out since 134.0.

There are two versions. You can control whether or not they are enabled with the following in about:config:


but is that really what you’re looking for?

I know. I wasn’t clear. I meant to upload to the New Tab of firefox your own background image. Now you can only pick from the ones available. Thanks