Ubuntu AI podcast & Canonical Blog on AI

Ubuntu AI Podcast by Canonical
More about AI on Canonical Blog

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:+1: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Nice, thank you very much!

Is there a “Podcast by Canonical” page where we can see all of them (e.g the Ubuntu Security Podcast)?

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Ubuntu AI podcast [Ubuntu AI Podcast] is separate from Ubuntu Security podcast. [https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/]

I was wondering if there is any page where we can find the podcast published by Canonical.
Maybe there are only Ubuntu AI and Ubuntu Security Podcast so a specific page is not needed

Their is those 2 and [Ubuntu OnAir] Hosted on You Tube (https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/libnghttp2-14)
All of the podcasts are separate.

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Getting started with AI