UbuCon Asia 2024 Updates - Dates moved in advance, and few other things

You can also find this posting on UbuCon Asia Blog

Happy new year everyone! As from our announcement on discourse end of last year, The 4th edition of UbuCon Asia will be held in Jaipur, India. There are some few updates and changes since then, So we would like to share with you!

Dates moved in advance

Our orignal plan was to hold on October 4th to 6th. But as these dates are closer with Ubuntu Summit which usually happens on early November, We moved our event dates in advance so that people from Ubuntu community would be able to attend both event! The new dates are August 31st to September 2nd. You may now mark your calendar and save your dates!


Event venue of this year will be JECRC University in Jaipur, India. Our local team folks are working hard to acquire the venue. We’ll post updates once venue confirmed!


Working hard on it! Benefits would be similar, But pricing could be different a bit. We also plan to more diverse range of sponsorship levels. From this year, We plan to use 2 fiscal host to manage fundraising. A local fiscal sponsor that local team brought, And another one for manging funds at global level. If you’re local sponsor, you will be invoiced by local fiscal sponsor. If not, you’ll likely to be invoiced by our global fiscal sponsor.

If you would like to sponsor us, and would like to get notified once more informations available, please feel free to contact our sponsorship team with email.

Joint event with GNOME.Asia

As of today, We’re still discussing with GNOME Foundation on organizing joint event with GNOME.Asia. Since we’ll need to publish our sponsorship prospectus and start reaching out sponsors soon, We’re trying to make decision by Feburary or March.

More informations

Our UbuCon Asia 2024 website is now up on https://2024.ubucon.asia! We’ll be publishing more informations and updates there. Feel free to visit to learn more about the event!