UbuCon Asia 2024 Team meeting 2024-09-29 12:00 UTC

Meeting participants:
@sukso96100 @aryan @bhavi @rjhsiao @fenris @jipangmenjerit @srijancodes

Meeting chair:

Action item follow up from last meeting

  1. Aryan to ask someone in the local team to prepare a template for thank-you email to sponsors then share with the global team once prepared. / Done
  2. Local team to check additional expense estimation for hired video team (video editing and uploading job) then submit expense on OSC. / Done
  3. Youngbin to check if travel grant amounts can be increased for guests previously partially accepted relocating 450 USD from our travel canceled guest. / Done
  4. Local team to check if there are any outstanding payments by next thursday. / Done
  5. Local team to check actual check-in numbers. / Not yet

After event tasks

  1. Sponsorship
    1. Thank-you email will be sent on monday.
    2. Reports on statistics & demographic - Check-in numbers, Job professions, Countries
  2. Financing
    1. Travel grant - almost done, only one person left to submit expense
    2. Local team - All things done
    3. Action - Work on financial report
      1. Youngbin to create template
      2. Youngbin, Aryan, Bhavi to fill in numbers
  3. Registration
    1. https://checkin.konfhub.com
      1. Try to find people participated the event but not marked as checked-in then click check-in for them to get more accurate check-in numbers
  4. Video
    1. Design team is currently working with an intro+sponsor logo slide for each video. Once this is done, it will be handed over to the video team then the video team will start working with editing.
    2. Action: Aryan to provide video team gmail address so that youngbin can provide access to YouTube channel

3L Retrospective

Liked - What you liked about organizing this event

  1. RJ:
    1. Local team members and volunteers are very active, passionate and friendly.
    2. Attendees can communicate with each other very easily.
    3. Group trip was very nice! And sorry for waking up late that made the trip delayed.
  2. Youngbin:
    1. Smooth communication between global team and local team
    2. Improved content with more canonical speaker
    3. Using OSC for managing event funds
  3. Aryan:
    1. Got great experience and a lot of exposure
    2. Global team was very helpful during the event and in setting up the event for success
  4. Bhavi
    1. Global team was good with guiding organizing the event
    2. Local team folks such as Aryan, Srijan, Devanshu done really good job on making things happen!
  5. Fenris
    1. fenris[m] says:+10 to local team
  6. Syazwan
    1. Everything was smooth?

Learned - What you learned by organizing this event (Good or something new stuff experienced)

  1. RJ: I’m very surprised that we can get praise and souvenirs from JECRC, and I heard that will not only happen in India, but also in Nepal, as a custom.
  2. Youngbin
    1. Lunch served at the dining space was good :slight_smile: - Both fresh food and the space
  3. Aryan
    1. India bunch of paperwork? such as visa
    2. Organizing intl event - how to get things done for this
  4. Bhavi
    1. Many Indian regulations to know for organizing intl events
    2. JECRC folks including Tarun were really awesome with organizing this event
  5. Fenris
    1. based on personal experienced, we need to well prepare for next UbuCon on Airport or transport infrastructure
      1. Next local team will need to provide detailed documentation on website about travel guidance for first time foreign travelers - such as once people enter Airport they can’t leave for while (in India), Security scan policy at airport
      2. Youngbin: example https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/24/TouristGuide

Lacked - What we Lacked and need Improvements

  1. RJ:
    1. I think time scheduling(make sure those schedules can usually be on-time) is the most important thing we need to improve.
    2. Maybe we can ask speakers to test their equipment before their session, like testing at the break time.
    3. We need more information about the venue on our website, like maps, Wi-Fi, etc.
    4. Too few booths, maybe we can ask our partners to register booths for exhibition and communication, and give some support like package receive service so that they can send their stuff to the venue before the event starts.
      1. → Aryan: We don’t have enough budget to run many booth + giving booth to community partner might be conflict of interests with sponsors. sponsors might register for community partner
  2. Youngbin
    1. Each session should have happened on time, not with a 30~60 min delay. If there’s some delay, we should have announced what’s going on and what actions we’ll going to take.
    2. Conf Dinner and Day Trip information should have been already available at least a week before the event and registration for those also should have closed a day ago.
    3. Lack of venue info on website - same as what RJ said above
    4. Lack of sponsor booths - did C-DAC agree to not have a booth while it’s the benefit they should deserve? / there were(?)
    5. We need more folks on global team
    6. We need some documented common practices for running this event + On-boarding meeting maybe? - Maybe for all types of people - For attendees, volunteers, speakers, organizers
      1. docs.ubucon.asia
      2. Speaker guide example https://speakers.fossasia.org/
    7. Roomes were a bit apart - they didn’t feel like they were in the same building but separate.
  3. Fenris
    1. We don’t really have anyone from Canonical manning their booth every year
  4. Syazwan
    1. Volunteer management - Volunteer need to tell speaker in advance on-time no in the middle of the talk
      1. Schedules need to be less tight to consider some delays. Maybe put some short buffer time (maybe 5min) to cover those situations.
    2. Volunteers next time they need to make sure the next speakers are in the room maybe 30 min before their talk.

UbuCon Asia 2025

  1. Bid submission Due Date : 15 Oct 2024
  2. Potential : Nepal, China


  1. Event report
  2. Documentation - Make some empty page template then assign to each person to work on that

Action items

  • Thank-you email will be sent on monday.
  • Finalize travel grant reimbursement - @sukso96100
  • Gather financial data - @sukso96100, @aryan, @bhavi
  • @sukso96100 to create template for financial report then @sukso96100, @aryan, @bhavi to fill in data
  • Local team: Try to find people participated the event but not marked as checked-in then click check-in for them to get more accurate check-in numbers
  • @aryan to provide video team gmail address so that youngbin can provide access to YouTube channel
  • @jipangmenjerit : Publish meeting note on discourse - after 14 days from today maybe to wait for retrospective stuff to be filled in more.
  • @sukso96100 to create some empty pages on docs.ubucon.asia then inform organizers to fill in