In this topic, Meeting minutes for UbuCon Asia 2023 bi-weekly meeting will be published after each meeting is finished
Meeting recording:
Meeting participants
Agenda and Discussions
Event team
- Sponsorship: @sukso96100 + Local team
- Web/Video: @rs2009 @jipangmenjerit
- Content: @sukso96100 @axon-rb @fenris @rjhsiao
- Marketing: @sleepyeyesvince + Local team
- Coordination(General): @sukso96100 @masafumiohta @jipangmenjerit @fenris
Event overview
- Venue: 1 Large hall for keynote (500pax), and 6 classroom for breakout sessions (3 rooms will be for UbuCon Asia other 3 room will be for LibO Conf Asia)
- Event theme: Not decided yet
- Logo and Mascot - Done!
- Event website - - Once UbuCon Asia 2023 website is ready, A link will be added on this website.
- Tickets will be paid. Participants will need to buy only single ticket for both LibO and UbuCon
Call for proposal and reviewing
- CFP should be opened on June 12 and close on Mid of July. Can be extended by late July in case we need to receive more proposals.
- Sessions categories - Same as last year
- Number of slots - Need to check.
- Reviewing proposals from local speakers - Should be reviewed by local team organizers just like last year. They will need to get access to Indico CFP module
- Proposal voting: This will be done with Indico’s reviewing system (It has rating feature, we can use it to score proposals and rank them)
- Proposal selection criteria: Same as last year. Will need to map last years voting marks (Circle for accept, Triangle for pending, X mark for reject) with rating scores.
- @sukso96100 has been working with UbuCon Asia sponsorship prospectus, @aryulianto and local team folks were working with sponsorship prospectus for both LibO Conf Asia and UbuCon Asia but for only local sponsors.
- If we run multiple sponsorship program that’s separated by whether local or Intl sponsors with different pricing, managing and offering benefits could be very complicated. There can be situations like multiple sponsors might got same benefits but for different pricing. Which isn’t really fare.
- To prevent such situations and manage sponsorship less complicated, We decided to make a single unified sponsorship program for both LibO Conf and UbuCon.
- If a company sponsors our event, They will be sponsoring both LibO and UbuCon
- Pricing and benefit will be same regardless the sponsor is local company or Intl company.
Action items
- @aryulianto to provide draft of sponsorship prospectus that was working within local team
- @isatrio and @aryulianto to check and let global team know who will review proposals written in Indonesian
- @isatrio and @aryulianto to provide how many session slots(including keynote) will be allocated to UbuCon along with draft timetable
- @isatrio and Local team to check if event registration platform accepts foreign payments
- @sukso96100 to ask Community Team folks to invite proposal reviewers to Indico
- @isatrio to share event theme as soon as it’s ready
- @sukso96100 and @jipangmenjerit to setup website
- Sponsorship team to reach out sponsors once prospectus is ready
Next meeting
Meeting recording:
Meeting participants
Actions items from last meeting
- Local team to provide draft of combined sponsorship prospectus
- Done
- Local team to provide list of organizer who will review proposals in Indonesian
- Yuhdi, Andik, Ahmad Haris, Rania, (-2)
- Local team to provide number of slots (including keynote) for ubucon + Timetable draft
- Done. Morning sessions are shared with both events, afternoon sessions we have UbuCon track
- Local team to check if event registration platform accepts foreign payments
- Not checked yet, will discuss with local team
- Criteria: English, Accept international payment (paypal, etc)
@sukso96100 to ask Mauro to invite proposal reviewers to Indico
- Using pretalx instead. Will need to get access on pretalx instead.
- Yudhi to share event theme as soon as it’s ready.
- Done.
@sukso96100 and @jipangmenjerit to setup website
- Done
- Sponsorship team to reach out sponsors once prospectus is ready
- Done. - already looking for sponsors
Call for proposal discussion
- CFP status (10 proposal from 9 submitters) - For both
- Slot allocation for Intl and local speakers
- Total slots for UbuCon - Wait for Yudhi and discuss later
- 21 (track talk), 1 workshop, 3 Lightning talk
- 2 keynotes
- Total slots for UbuCon - Wait for Yudhi and discuss later
- Get familiar with pretalx system + Give access to content team
please register here first
give email to add to organizer team on pretalx
Need input field for choosing session language - English or Indonesian.
- So that English talk can be reviewed by global team and Indonesian talk can be reviewed by local team.
- CFP review process
- Need guideline for global team review
CFP promotion
- Where to promote?
- Online
- UbuCon Asia X LibreOffice Conf Asia 2023 - Calling for proposals - Events - Ubuntu Community Hub
- Offline - physical places
- Online
Sponsorship discussion
Sponsorship status Sponsor contact
- Onlyoffice - Silver /
- TDF - Platinum /
- Canonical - Reviewing, youngbin to send reminder to Philipp
- Grafana / No reponse
- Collabora / No reponse
- Google Indonesia / Reject (Conflict with LibreOffice)
- Occupied/Total slots
- Platinum (1/2)
- Gold (0/4)
- Silver (1/8)
- Bronze (0/~)
- Donation (0/~)
Is Sep 15 deadline for sponsorship decision or sponsorship payment?
- deposit deadline not decided yet
Travel grant discussion
- How many speakers can be covered by local team (last year’s event 7 people covered)
- Who get grants first
- How many budget per person
- Application form
- Last year travel grant form
- Will travel be arranged by local team? 3 options available
- Ask the beneficiary to arrange travel by themselves. Provide reimbursement after the event.
- Accommodation arranged by the local team. Flights and other inter-city or international transport self-arranged by beneficiary. Provide reimbursement for transport after the event. (Recommended)
- Arrange both accommodation and transport by local team. Would be convenient for beneficiary, But needs many work for local team.
Who’s coming to COSCUP
- Date: 29-30 July 2023
- Venue: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Participant/Attendee:
- @rjhsiao (of course local team should be there)
- @sukso96100
- @masafumiohta
- TBC : @fenris, @jipangmenjerit
What to do at COSCUP
- CFP Promotion? - only 1 or 2 day before deadline
- Call for sponsors? - Print out some sponsorship prospectus and place it on table
- Promote event registration? - QR with Link to registration?
- Maybe print a barcode for CFP or registration so anyone can directly to link
- @rjhsiao can bring monitors - Show QR for CFP, Sponsorship and registration on monitors instead of printouts.
- @sukso96100 to bring some UbuCon stickers.
Action items
- Local team create guidance for CFP reviewer
- Local team to invite global team content reviewer to pretalx
- Arrange meeting both UbuCon & LibreOffice Team
- Local team to discuss for registration platform
- Local team to discuss travel grants within the team + travel grants application.
- Make a UbuCon Slides for COSCUP
- Everyone - Promote Call for proposals, Work with gathering sponsors.
Next meeting
Meeting participants
Action items from last meeting
- Local team create guidance for CFP reviewer
- Local team to invite global team content reviewer to pretalx / Done
- Arrange meeting both UbuCon & LibreOffice Team / Not arranged yet - Will discuss with local team
- Local team to discuss for registration platform
- Online registration and payment will be done using the application (event dash)
- On the event day, the organizer will scan the barcode on the ticket before allowing entry to the venue.
- The ticket price for foreigners is free, but a donation box will be provided if you wish to donate.
- Local team to discuss travel grants within the team + travel grants application.
- I have just initiated a discussion on this matter, but the local team is awaiting information regarding the amount of funds from the sponsorship (especially Canonical).
- Once we have the sponsorship details, we can determine the budget allocated for travel grants.
- 2022 Travel sponsorship program info
- Make a UbuCon Slides for COSCUP / Not yet
- Everyone - Promote Call for proposals, Work with gathering sponsors.
Sponsorship status
- UNS - Venue sponsor
- Canonical - Not decided yet
- Onlyoffice - Silver, confirmed, Not signed on agreement yet.
- Grafana - Not sponsoring us this time
- Collabora - No response from Mark, Not contacted the CEO yet
- NextCloud - fenris not contacted yet, Will try to contact asap.
- GitHub - Youngbin contacted, no response yet.
- Local
- In-kind (Coffee) - Kopi 7odjoeh
- Domainesia
CFP Status
- Require: About 28 sessions
- 2 keynote, 2 workshop, 21 talks, 5-6 Lightning talks
- Submitted: 26-27 proposals.
- Featured speakers will be chosen by local team
This is the featured speakers that local team chosen
andika triwidada
lothar k. becker
Justin Yoo
Nugroho Dwi Hartawan
Reviewing CFP
CFP Selection process guideline
Yudhi to check with local team - if pretalx has feature for reaching out speakers.
Pretalx (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
O -> 4 / Best 10 proposals
△ -> 2 / Looking good
X -> No(0) / Reject
Travel grant status
- Need discussion within the local team. See last year’s info 2022 Travel sponsorship program info
- Schedules
- @rjhsiao : Both Day 1, 2
- @sukso96100 : Day 1, 2
- @masafumiohta : Day 2 - Might stop by the booth. Not full time
- @jipangmenjerit : Both Day 1, 2
- @fenris : TBC, Clash with GUADEC
- Korea FOSS booth will be placed next to Ubuntu TW * UbuCon Asia booth
Action items
- Publishing meeting note on discourse
- Double check if all content team folks got pretalx system.
- COSCUP - Work with slides
- Local team to work with a travel grant program.
- Promote CFP, Gather sponsors.
Next Meeting