Did you know we are aiming to move the Steam snap out of “Early Access” to stable soon?
Did you know today is the first day of the Steam spring sale?
Have you ever wanted to combine playing video games with contributing to the Ubuntu ecosystem?
Well you’re in luck!
Since publishing Steam as a snap under the “Early Access” banner, we’ve been working feverishly to resolve issues and ensure it works well. We’ve done our own testing of the most popular Steam titles which should ‘just work’ based on reports on ProtonDB. You can find game reports for those on GitHub discussions.
Now we need your help to provide game reports for your favorite games and make sure we’ve got maximum coverage of as many Steam titles as possible!
How to get involved?
Install Steam from the candidate channel, play your favorite games and submit a game report with our steam.report tool which is included in the Steam snap.
If you haven’t installed Steam as a snap yet, grab the version from candidate:
sudo snap install --candidate steam
If you already have the Steam snap installed, quit Steam and switch to the candidate channel:
sudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns steam
sudo snap refresh --candidate steam
Launch Steam, download your favorite games, and enjoy!
To report your results (positive or negative are appreciated).
sudo snap connect steam:hardware-observe
sudo snap connect steam:system-observe
steam.report “Your Title”
The two snap connect commands only need to be run once, it enables the steam.report script to collect some information from your system, including things like GPU info. Don’t worry, the report will open a web browser with some information pre-populated which can edit as you like. You’ll have an opportunity to see everything that will be submitted.
When filling out the game report post on GitHub, please add a rating in your title, similar to what protondb uses. For example: platinum, gold, silver, bronze, or borked.