One comment I have heard a few times is that the Support & Help category can be somewhat overwhelming with many questions. Something I find useful and powerful is the Advanced Search built in to discourse.
The Searching for content effectively topic on Meta Discourse is worth looking at, and also bookmarking!
Moderators and supporters should consider making heavy use of “Advanced Search”. The examples below get slightly more focused as you go on.
Bookmark these! Feel free to edit this page and add more handy bookmarks with search queries you’ve crafted!
- Newest unsolved open topics
Useful to pick up recent questions that someone else may not yet have looked at.
- Unanswered unsolved open topics with no replies
Good for finding topics with zero replies.
These people need help!
- All open and unsolved topics from users in trust_level_0
Great for finding posts from brand new (trust level 0) users.
Remember to welcome them!
- All open and unsolved topics with no posts newer than 90 days
Possible candidates for manual topic closure or marking as solved.
May also be topics with no recent replies letting us know if this is fixed.
- All oldest open but solved topics - Find topics that the poster decides have been solved.
Consider closing these topics
This can be done in bulk, with care (see screenshot below)
Note that the search pane doesn’t allow you to pick multiple statuses (e.g. open and solved), but you can mangle the URL to allow it, or type multiple statuses in the box in the search page.