I think this is an excellent idea!
I will definitely utilize these search options.
I noticed that since attaining Level 3 (Regular) it is possible to edit titles, categories, tags and the like.
Do TL3 users also have the ability to edit posts and add, for example, backticks or to mark threads as Solved?
Is this worth considering to add as a benefit of reaching this level?
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January 16, 2025, 12:26pm
Heya! I moved this to a new topic as it’s an interesting question I don’t know the answer to.
I think we should have somewhere which details what each trust level gives you, for sure. If such a document already exists, I don’t know where it is!
I believe this might be it here
Question is whether each Discourse platform can independently edit/modify what is allowed for particular trust levels.
Or perhaps my suggestion is something that could be awarded on a per user basis rather than globally for all TL3?
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January 16, 2025, 12:45pm
Yes, the levels can be tweaked on each instance. So while the link is useful, I think we may want to document that here, if people think that might be useful.