Resources for Development-Related Tasks

On this page, you will find useful resources regarding typical development tasks within the Ubuntu ecosystem. This is a living document, and is never intended to be completely final. It should also be moved to the packaging guide, once we have a fairly mature document.

If you see something you know is wrong, just fix it. If information is missing, just add it. If you know your team should be on here, just create the column. :smile:


~ubuntu-release (ubuntu-release ping in #ubuntu-release) ~ubuntu-archive (ubuntu-archive ping in #ubuntu-release) ~canonical-ubuntu-qa (qa-help ping in #ubuntu-quality) ~ubuntu-sru (ubuntu-sru ping in #ubuntu-release) ~ubuntu-security (#ubuntu-security) Patch Pilot(s) (#ubuntu-devel topic)
Autopkgtest Retries :white_check_mark: For complex retry matrices involving transitions :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Typical autopkgtest retries
Autopkgtest Service Administration :information_source: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Known Issues (read first) :information_source: :information_source: :stop_sign:
Feature Freeze Timing and Exceptions :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
ISO QA Tracker :white_check_mark: Responsible for determining permissions :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Responsible for executing the changes requested by the Release Team :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
ISO Size and Contents :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:
i386 Allowlist :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:
Main Inclusion Process :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source: :information_source:
NBS :information_source: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
NEW queue :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Package removal :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Proposed Migration :white_check_mark: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Release Schedule :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Release-Critical Decisions :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign:
Security Updates :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :information_source:
Software Licensing :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Stable Release Updates :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source:
Transition Coordination :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source:
Upload sponsorship (and sync requests) :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Security uploads, one member per week is assigned to the community :white_check_mark: Non-security uploads
Understanding ISO build failures :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:


  • :white_check_mark: - Can advise and accept
  • :information_source: - Can advise but not accept
  • :stop_sign: - There are better teams to ask

Extra Resources: