Resources for Development-Related Tasks

On this page, you will find useful resources regarding typical development tasks within the Ubuntu ecosystem. This is a living document, and is never intended to be completely final. It should also be moved to the packaging guide, once we have a fairly mature document.

If you see something you know is wrong, just fix it. If information is missing, just add it. If you know your team should be on here, just create the column. :smile:


~ubuntu-release (ubuntu-release ping in #ubuntu-release) ~ubuntu-archive (ubuntu-archive ping in #ubuntu-release) ~canonical-ubuntu-qa (qa-help ping in #ubuntu-quality) ~ubuntu-sru (ubuntu-sru ping in #ubuntu-release) ~ubuntu-security (#ubuntu-security) Patch Pilot(s) (#ubuntu-devel topic)
Autopkgtest Retries :white_check_mark: For complex retry matrices involving transitions :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Typical autopkgtest retries
Autopkgtest Service Administration :information_source: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Known Issues (read first) :information_source: :information_source: :stop_sign:
Feature Freeze Timing and Exceptions :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
ISO QA Tracker :white_check_mark: Responsible for determining permissions :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Responsible for executing the changes requested by the Release Team :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
ISO Size and Contents :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:
i386 Allowlist :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:
Main Inclusion Process :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source: :information_source:
NBS :information_source: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
NEW queue :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Package removal :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Proposed Migration :white_check_mark: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Release Schedule :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Release-Critical Decisions :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign:
Security Updates :stop_sign: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :information_source:
Software Licensing :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :information_source:
Stable Release Updates :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source:
Transition Coordination :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source:
Upload sponsorship (and sync requests) :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :stop_sign: :white_check_mark: Security uploads, one member per week is assigned to the community :white_check_mark: Non-security uploads
Understanding ISO build failures :white_check_mark: :information_source: :information_source: :information_source: :stop_sign: :stop_sign:


  • :white_check_mark: - Can advise and accept
  • :information_source: - Can advise but not accept
  • :stop_sign: - There are better teams to ask

Extra Resources:

Upload Permissions and Expectations

This is a quick reference of the upload levels and permissions within the Ubuntu archive, as defined by the Developer Membership Board.

Ubuntu Contributing Developer

This individual is:

  • inherently an Ubuntu Member.
  • does not immediately inherit upload permissions.
  • has contributed to Ubuntu Development in a significant and sustained manner for 3-6 months minimum.

You can earn this by submitting patches and contributing to development discussions (synchronously and asynchronously), among other tasks.

Ubuntu Per-Package Uploader (PPU)

  • are responsible for maintenance of some subset of packages in Ubuntu
  • understand packaging concepts, having substantial experience uploading packages through a sponsor
  • apply this knowledge by uploading new packages, and updating existing packages, in an area of expertise
  • may also contribute to other areas in Ubuntu in cooperation with another developer
  • answer questions of other developers in order to expand their understanding of packaging work
  • provide guidance for prospective Ubuntu developers regarding technical issues
  • are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers
  • are considered as Ubuntu Contributing Developers when working outside the delegated subset of packages

PPU uploaders can be specific to a flavor (or another team), such as Lubuntu, or PPU can be granted on an individual level. The uploader(s) are collectively responsible for the packages in that set. You can find the packageset list here.

Ubuntu Master Of The Universe (MOTU)

  • are members of the MOTU team in Launchpad
  • are collectively responsible for the maintenance of packages in the universe and multiverse components
  • understand packaging concepts, having substantial experience uploading packages through a sponsor
  • apply this knowledge by uploading new packages, and updating existing packages, in the universe component
  • may also contribute to the main component in cooperation with a Core Developer
  • answer questions of other developers in order to expand their understanding of packaging work
  • provide guidance for prospective Ubuntu developers regarding technical issues

Ubuntu Core Developers

  • are members of the ubuntu-core-dev team in Launchpad
  • are collectively responsible for the maintenance of all packages in Ubuntu
  • have a strong working knowledge of packaging concepts and techniques, refined through experience
  • have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu project procedures, especially those related to the release process and support commitments, and an understanding of the reasons why they exist; e.g. having done an SRU or security fix
  • are able to apply this knowledge to a variety of packages and subsystems
  • have a history of substantial direct contributions to the distribution
  • take a leading role in new development projects to improve Ubuntu
  • specify, develop and deploy new features for the default installation of Ubuntu
  • exercise great care in their work, with the understanding that their efforts have a direct impact on others, including:
  • every Ubuntu user
  • the Ubuntu release team
  • corporate partners who provide support for Ubuntu
  • feel a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of Ubuntu releases and for the satisfaction of Ubuntu users
  • are implicitly considered Ubuntu Members
  • are granted a vote when the Development Membership Board or Technical Board are polling Ubuntu Developers