Plucky Puffin 25.04 Wallpaper Competition

A plucky plea for paintings, pixels and pictures

The Plucky Puffin has flown the coop in search of wallpapers for her upcoming release! Ubuntu 25.04 will be touching down soon and we need your help to fill the nest and desktop with beautiful artwork. Whether you’re a brand new artist or a veteran photographer, we’d love for you to submit your best work!


As in competitions past, we’ll be collecting the submissions here on the Ubuntu Discourse via this thread. When submitting your artwork, please indicate which category your submission falls under. You can only choose one category per submission.

  • Mascot Theme - Artwork that prominently features the mascot for this release. For 25.04 that’s the Plucky Puffin.
  • Digital / Abstract - Artwork created using digital creative tools e.g. Blender, GIMP, Inkscape, Aesprite, etc.
  • Photography - High resolution image taken from a conventional or digital camera.

After the submission window closes, members of the community will have a chance to vote on their favorite entries. The top TWO vote earners from each category will be included in the Ubuntu 25.04 Plucky Puffin!

Competition Rules

If you’d like to join in the wallpaper fun, there are a few other important rules that you need to follow:

  • You must own the rights to the image you are submitting, it should be your original work of art.
  • The full quality image must be 3840x2160px. PNG and WebP formats are preferable.
  • Please ensure you create a high quality image. Avoid image compression artifacts, pixelation, chromatic aberration and noise. Please do not add any watermarks, names or logos. See also these helpful guidelines from GNOME on screen backgrounds.
  • The Ubuntu Discourse will automatically compress all posted images. A full resolution submission will be requested of the chosen winners at the conclusion of the competition.
  • When posting your image, please include a note that you are licensing the image as CC BY-SA 4.0 or CC BY 4.0. If you do not specify a license we will assume CC BY-SA 4.0. By entering the competition you are agreeing to these license terms.

AI Generated Works

We do not currently allow AI generated works to be considered for our wallpaper competitions. Here’s a few reasons why we take that position:

  • Many popular AI art generation tools use a license that does not align with those that we have chosen for our competition.
  • There are active legal debates on the ownership of AI generated artwork and whether it can or can’t be copyrighted.
  • Many popular AI models have been shown to include artwork from artists without their consent. We do not believe this aligns with our community’s values and stated mission.
  • If your submission displays hallmarks of AI generation, you may be asked to provide proof of human creation, which may include a request for source project files.

Important Dates

Make sure you put the following dates into your calendar:

February 19th, 2025 (UTC) - Submission Window opens.

March 5th, 2025 (UTC) - Submission Window closes and Voting Period begins.

March 10th, 2025 (UTC) - Voting Period closes and the winners are announced!

Previous Competitions

Not sure where to start? Check out the results from recent wallpaper competitions:

Ubuntu 24.04 Results
Ubuntu 24.10 Results

For seabirds of all feathers

Participating in the Wallpaper Competition is a fun and easy way to contribute to Ubuntu! You don’t need to be an expert artist or a professional photographer to participate. As a great artist once said, "Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.”

To learn more ways that you can get involved, check out The Ubuntu Community | Ubuntu


Title: Autumn near the Matterhorn
Category: Photography
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Full resolution download

Discourse seems to resize it to 1920x1080? How to upload the original size?
Thanks as always for running these threads, I enjoy looking at the entries.


No worries about the compression, Discourse will automatically do that upon uploading. We’ll reach out to the winners to get the full resolution version at the end of the competition. :slight_smile:


Atlantic Wave - Digital / Abstract

Full 4k available here

License: CC-BY-SA 4.0


License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
High Res :


License: CC-BY-SA 4.0


License: CC-BY-SA 4.0


Hey Everyone,

Here’s OG Edgy Remastered Wallpaper at 8K resolution (8192x6144) and will be available as a PNG file.
Which it’s backed up in here. :cowboy_hat_face:

I noticed that some people around Linux Community want Ubuntu to include Warty Remastered wallpaper and not just that.


Here’s a beautiful island of Atlantic Circle full with beautiful puffins.
The resolution is at 8K resolution (8192x4608) and will be available as a PNG file.
Which it’s backed up in here.


OG Warty Remastered Wallpaper will continue to be available, but this time, without the label says “20 YEARS” due to Ubuntu’s 20th Anniversary has come to an end.
Yes, it’s still at 8K resolution and should still be available as a PNG file, unlike the anniversary version.

Which it’s backed up in here.

OG Legacy wallpapers that are remastered by @romactu1 are now available in here.


gonna retry with my new takes on tide from the 23 something competition :smiley:
category: digital/abstract
name: ubuntu tide


this one too
the curve


Title: Day Night
Category: Digital / Abstract


Title: Plucky Family
Category: Mascot Theme


sorry, in the right place I read 25 04 not 24 05, you win if it’s not

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@meetdilip @twopiradians it is indeed 25.04. It’s an easy mistake to make. I know I’ve mistyped the release number a few times. :grin:


Not as bad as calling it an LTS release, as I did recently :person_facepalming:


All releases are LTS release if you believe hard enough… and change the release-upgrades file.


Regret the error. Thanks for notifying. Will fix soon :slight_smile:

Edit: Fixed. Hope it is fine now :slight_smile:

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Oh don’t you worry @aaronprisk, we all have typos.
Typo happens, it’s a normal thing.
Of course I know what’s a version for Plucky Puffin, rather than called 24.05 but called 25.04, due to following newer versions of Ubuntu every 6 months for all of these years.
For the past almost 5 years, that is.