I bluntly went through the queue in chronological order to avoid getting things too stale, only skipping items that were last commented by a potential uploader.
- gdb SRU → Approved but not uploaded, I want to check in with our GDB maintainer first.
- python-ldappool merge → still an unresolved question on a piece of delta
- gobject-introspection SRU → ongoing conversation on backports vs cherry-picks on an SRU.
- powermgmg-base devel bugfix → Left an initial review.
- modemmanager HWE SRU → Some metadata is missing.
- llvm-toolchain-18 bugfix → already uploaded by a community member, in Unapproved. I claimed the review to kick it off the queue.
- nova SRUs → I’m trying to get in touch with the openstack team to see how to handle these
- landscape-client SRUs → I’m unclear on the status of this in devel, so asked for clarification. That’s too bad, that’s a short and sweet diff
- gnome-initial-setup backport → no proper debdiff for the targeted series.