Patch Pilot Hand-off 24.04

Congratulations, we have a near-empty queue! :tada:

Iā€™ll try to ā€œhold down the fortā€ here and there over the course of the break, but there probably wonā€™t be much to do (and I hope Iā€™m jinxing it :slight_smile: )

(Does KPI even support 0?)


Reviewed three merges done by Sudip Mukherjee.

As I lack Universe upload permissions at the moment, tsimonq2 did the actual sponsoring for all of these. I would like to thank him, vorlon, and rbasak for the additional help and guidance they provided in the process, and of course I would like to thank sudip for creating the patches. We made a great team. :slight_smile:

  • pcsx2: Uploaded pcsx2 for LP: #2048072
  • bedtools: Reviewed LP: #2048069 and proposed syncing instead. The reporter agreed and I syncā€™d bedtools (LP: #2048088)
  • weex: Uploaded weex to focal for LP: #1811817

Just worked on the SRU debdiffs for horst. Got them reviewed and accepted for Mantic, Lunar, and Jammy. I didnā€™t have time to do Focal this time around, but itā€™s on my radar (though if someone else wants to pick it up, thatā€™s fine too). Bug #2045986 ā€œ[SRU] no WiFi card, ends with segfaultā€ : Bugs : horst package : Ubuntu Thanks to @tsimonq2 for copiloting and training me during the process!


Did a very short session - reviewed the latest patch for Bug #2045816 ā€œproject-x fails to build from source in nobleā€ : Bugs : project-x package : Ubuntu, made a slight modification to it to make a lintian-override more specific, then uploaded it. This is my first upload as an MOTU :tada:


No IRC pings to report.

Iā€™d like to draw some attention on the xorg-server MP: the user clearly put some effort in preparing it, and it would be a pity to keep commenting on the nits (like I did) without being able to give actual feedback on the actual contents on the MP. I hope a future PP somehow familiar with xorg will be able to have a look at that diff.

  • LP: #2049515 - sponsored merge for iwd
  • LP: #2049311 - per above, submitter agreeded with suggestion to drop the delta on ldapscripts and sync the package. I did the sync.
  • no IRC pings
  • ldapscripts LP: #2049311 / MP 458569 a sync was already sponsored, so unsubscribed ubuntu-sponsors from the bug and marked the MP ā€˜Disapproveā€™
  • rsyslog LP: #2045033 / MP 458725 the merge already sponsored, so set the bug status to ā€˜Fix Committedā€™ and marked the MP ā€˜Approveā€™
  • cunit LP: #2049554 reviewed and syncā€™d
  • freeradius LP: #2042824 / MR 458744 reviewed and sponsored SRU
  • iptables LP: #2049318 reviewed and sponsored SRU
  • There was a request on irc to help diaspora-installer migrate, it had been removed from the archive and had previous autopkgtest results, but migration-reference/0 tests did not help. Added a hint to allow it to migrate
  • #2046871: unsubscribed sponsors given there are two unanswered path pilot comments already
  • xorg tearfree debdiff: out of my depth there, just added a simple comment, asked to rebase to noble-proposed, and subscribed @tjaalton
  • #2039873: reviewed the noble debdiff, asking for changes to the DEP8 test.
  • apparmor userns for systemd-coredump: this looks OK now, changing just systemd-coredump's apparmor profile, but the security team should have the final say. Left my non-security +1 in the MP.
  • #2049188: just flipped the bug status to ā€œfix committedā€. The sponsorship report page I was following still had this in the queue, but it was already uploaded a few hours ago.
  • #2049715: was already uploaded by the time I got to it in my shift, but I noticed that the linked MP had a bug in that it still had UNRELEASED in d/changelog, but LP accepted and built the package even so.
  • lektor MP: requested forwarding to debian, and DEP3 headers in the patches
  • LP: #1971547 ā€“ cyradm fails on jammy; sponsored
  • LP: #2044264 ā€“ mmv aborts with realloc; sponsored
  • LP: #1875642 ā€“ FSVS - not able to commit changes to http SVN repo ā€“ reviewed and suggested minor change, but if that can be addressed this should be good to sponsor
  • LP: #2039873 ā€“ liblxc-dev built with LXC_DEVEL=1 ā€“ reviewed current status; agreed quick-fix for LXC_DEVEL=1 is preferable way forward, suggested minor fix to DEP-8 test to check runtime files, not build-time, and addressed a minor build-failure on noble. Will sponsor for noble if someone can do a quick review of the changes
  • MP #2050390: Left a comment asking the submitter to mention the bug being fixed in the changelog.
  • MP #458934: Left comments requesting improvements to the MP.
  • MP #459015: Left a comment asking for DEP-3 headers + some clarification re. the MP description.
  • ltrace: already uploaded; marked MP as Merged
  • xorg-server ā€œtearfreeā€: this has been in the queue for a while and commented on by various people. The issue is that it is (good) original work that really belongs upstream rather than in a distro patch with a maintenance burden. Previous pilots have tried to help in this direction, but ultimately it doesnā€™t really belong in the queue since there is no action to take in Ubuntu. I marked the MP as ā€œWork in progressā€ with an explanation and instructions on how to put it back in the queue again if the submitter needs.
  • liblxc-dev LXC_DEVEL=1: again this has been commented on by various pilots. @waveform kindly said heā€™d take another look, rather than me adding yet another cook to spoil this broth.
  • lektor update for werkzeug: again this has been commented on by previous pilots. The issue I have with sponsoring this is that it doesnā€™t seem to be possible to reconcile the patch against the upstream it is claimed to came from. I asked for details, and queried why we arenā€™t taking the upstream maintenance release that includes the necessary fixes.
  • onionshare update for werkzeug: I asked about appropriate testing on this. Sure, it might make dep8 tests pass, but if weā€™re pushing ahead with selecting backports from upstream, does it actually fix the issue such that the app works again, and whatā€™s the plan to verify this? I left a comment.

Some observations

The werkzeug work is important, but I wonder if it stretches a little beyond the capabilities of patch piloting. Same for liblxc-dev where the bug seems to have gone into a tangent about making more significant packaging updates than a simple patch.

I also noticed that the ~ubuntu-sponsors MP slot is being taken and thus MPs are disappearing from the queue. Iā€™ve commented about this before but there was no further discussion on this point. I think I will probably just change the bot and queue to use ~ubuntu-sponsors-reporter when I get round it to work around this issue as I suggested. In the meantime, I think MPs are still being lost from the queue.

Sponsored fsvs, dotnet8 and lcov. Also investigated gettext which sadly had already been sponsored without git-ubuntu.

Looked at openssh, cinder and mutter but didnā€™t feel up to reviewing those more complex merges today.

Short flight today:

  • Sponsored google-guest-agent for @kajiya on Friday(?), looks like @ahasenack sponsored a followup with some minor tweaks. Iā€™ve reviewed those tweaks and now understand what I was missing on my end; thanks for the followup, Iā€™ll be happy to sponsor the SRUs too if needed.
  • Iā€™ll volunteer to take ruby3.1, assuming @adrien can come up with a followup diff. :smile:
  • Sponsored linux-media-player for sudip, thatā€™s in the Jammy queue.

Iā€™d recommend python-uefivars as a starting point for the next pilot.


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Many things from the sponsoring report are currently in-flight and I was mostly side-tracked helping out with the time_t transition NMUs in Debian, so didnā€™t get a lot of stuff done, but at least I could clean up a little bit:

  • MP#458934: Clear onionshare vs python-werkzeug 3.0 MP, it has been resolved via Debian experimental
  • MP#458931: Clear lektor vs python-werkzeug 3.0 MP, it has been resolved via Debian unstable
  • MP: #458533: Reviewed, will sponsor once itā€™s ready to go