Cubic provides me with several options. I want to continue to run the meta on the daily/currents without tampering or removing other components. ubuntu-desktop, gdm3 and gnome-shell are all that need to be removed for now. These are tests for stability and they are working just well. We will wait for the 18.04 mini.
Nemo is for 18.10 spin but all are welcome to install the PPA or try the ISO which is up on the server. We will stick with nautilus this cycle unless there is a show stopper.
Well, maybe others can also try those links I gave here and try to create isos, with or without Nemo. They can do that without tampering the live boot and such stuff.
Cubic is good, but wonât let those, who want to create isos, learn how to do that.
This is a topic not up for debate or discussion in this thread. mac3man had already posted in another thread about nemo and we have been using an active .iso which is still in the server archives. If you would like to discuss other methods of building iso for this cycle then please use this thread.
My laptop freezes when I shutdown or restart, as in the screen freezes and the keyboard caps lock doesnât work
running sudo poweroff in ttyl1 gave me the same result, I guess itâs a upstream Ubuntu issue but I didnât have it before the unity iso
Installs patched version of vino and unity-greter from the ppa. Once Ubuntu uploaded those in universe, I will remove those from ppa.
Gnome removed a key from vino, and u-c-c crashed. I made a patch for vino. If they donât accept the distro patch we again need to disable sharing panel from u-c-c.