New Template in Support & Help category


I added a “Template” to the Support and Help category only, to encourage users seeking help to provide useful details. Here’s what that looks like:

This is a first pass, not set in stone. Just trying to help!


It turns out (after stumbling around) that Discourse has a “Template” system. So we can pre-fill the box a user types in, to encourage them to provide a decent set of data. Here’s what it looks like when it’s empty:

They can of course completely delete it all and write “I love tacos” or whatever. But I think it could help some people focus on the important things we like to know.

So, I thought I’d have a go at putting something in there, and see if that gets us any better support requests. :slight_smile:

Support and Help template

Hello! This template is designed to help you explain what you need in a way we can help.
* What goal are you trying to achieve?
* Scroll down and fill in the gaps as best you can. We don't need your life story, but some detail helps
* Do take a look at the "Start here" thread to learn about ways to fix things yourself

**Ubuntu Version**: 
<!-- Please specify your Ubuntu version (e.g., 22.04 LTS, 23.10) -->

**Desktop Environment** (if applicable):
<!-- E.g., GNOME, KDE Plasma, XFCE, etc. -->

**Problem Description**:
<!-- Describe what you're trying to do and what's happening instead 
* if you're able to easily reproduce the problem, it would be helpful to include the steps so others can try

**Relevant System Information**:
<!-- Please detail appropriate information about the system. -->

**Screenshots or Error Messages**:
<!-- If applicable, add screenshots or error messages. 
* We prefer copy-pasted text and screenshots instead of photos of screens, if possible.
* When posting multiple lines of text, such as terminal output or logs, please use three backticks around the text:
like this

**What I've Tried**:
<!-- List any solutions or workarounds you've already attempted. -->

<!-- Please check if similar issues have been reported and resolved before posting.
* Thank you!


I used the signature feature and always encouraged others to use it with a brief description of their system and o/s in the old UF.

It was very useful for gaining information on a questioners system without having to go through the same rigmarole every time you ask a question.
Perhaps the Discourse can have such a feature enabled?

Cheers Tony


I asked about this a few weeks ago and it is going to be checked into but I do believe we will get this feature, I will ask about the progress made towards this during tomorrows meeting but it may be a little while because the 503 server issue is more urgent and that is only created from the large influx of support users coming in daily, let’s keep this on topic please but great suggestion as well.

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Good to know the difficulties are caused by lots of new folk joining.
Best kind of faults!

Not sure what you mean by keeping on topic???



How about adding some additional links to support resources for the things we can not support here, like the Linuxmint forum and popos so people don’t bother to ask and we don’t have to tell them off


Thank you, @popey!
We added the Template plugin some time ago in hopes it would help in cases like this.


I tried to open a new topic and saw the template. It seems good and useful to me.


Seemed to work for this individual. I could almost cry with happiness. :sob:



I think that should all go in the “Start here” page. Partly because what the user gets is markdown source, so any links will be unclickable. A clickable link is often not clicked - as we well know. I suspect (with no data to back this up) an UNclickable link that has to be copy/pasted will be even less likely to be visited.

So I kept the number of links to a minimum.


Nice, I like it! :+1:

One comment: “Steps to reproduce”, “Expected behavior”, “Actual behavior” feels like filing a bug report. Obtaining that level of information is too rigorous for most support questions.

It would be better to have a more free-form way of encouraging users to give any relevant details they’re able to give.

What do you think about:

  • removing those 3 sections;
  • adding a note in the “Problem Description” section’s comment saying that if the user knows steps to reproduce the problem, it would be helpful to include it;
  • adding a “What goal are you trying to achieve?” type section to encourage stating expectations in a way that helps avoid XY problem

Great feedback, thank you for thinking and caring about this. I agree.

I’ve incorporated your suggestions, and updated the post at the top of this thread.