`multipass help` command

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The multipass help command without an argument will list all the available commands with a brief explanation. It accepts a <command> argument to get detailed help for the command in question.

$ multipass help
Usage: multipass [options] <command>
Create, control and connect to Ubuntu instances.

This is a command line utility for multipass, a
service that manages Ubuntu instances.

  -h, --help     Displays help on commandline options
  -v, --verbose  Increase logging verbosity. Repeat the 'v' in the short option
                 for more detail. Maximum verbosity is obtained with 4 (or more)
                 v's, i.e. -vvvv.

Available commands:
  alias         Create an alias
  aliases       List available aliases
  authenticate  Authenticate client
  delete        Delete instances
  exec          Run a command on an instance
  find          Display available images to create instances from
  get           Get a configuration setting
  help          Display help about a command
  info          Display information about instances
  launch        Create and start an Ubuntu instance
  list          List all available instances
  mount         Mount a local directory in the instance
  networks      List available network interfaces
  purge         Purge all deleted instances permanently
  recover       Recover deleted instances
  restart       Restart instances
  set           Set a configuration setting
  shell         Open a shell on a running instance
  start         Start instances
  stop          Stop running instances
  suspend       Suspend running instances
  transfer      Transfer files between the host and instances
  umount        Unmount a directory from an instance
  unalias       Remove an alias
  version       Show version details

Using the --help option has the same result.

--verbose passed to any command will increase its output verbosity and you can repeat it (up to three times) to get even more output. By default, only errors will be displayed, with -v warnings would be added, -vv enables informational messages and -vvv will print out debugging information.

See our Command-line reference for information on the other commands.