Hi everyone, below you will find the updates from the Desktop team from the last week.
If you’re interested in discussing a topic please start a thread in the Desktop area of the Community Hub (this site).
We also have our weekly meeting on IRC. We meet on Tuesday at 13:30 UTC in #ubuntu-desktop on Freenode. There will be an “Any Other Business” section at the end where you are welcome to raise topics. These topics might be discussed during the meeting, or afterwards depending on the time, depth of conversation, topic and so on.
High framerate monitor support is coming to Ubuntu 18.04 updates within weeks. It’s already in later releases. See the below Release bugs section.
Spent a day exploring a new optimization which reduces input latency by one frame (different to last time). It works, but seems to risk framerate smoothness too much for now. On hold pending other optimizations to boost framerates first…
cups-filters: Released 1.24.0 upstream for the integration of Deepak Patankar’s Google Summer of Code 2018 project with the main goal of clustering different printers with cups-browsed and automatically selecting the destination printers by job content and option/attribute settings. To achieve this, several other features got added to cups-browsed, especially support for mixed clusters of remote CUPS queues and native IPP printers and not downloading PPDs from remote CUPS servers any more. All changes of this release are done by Deepak as parts of his project.
system-config-printer: Moved upstream hosting from Zdenek Dohnal’s (s-c-p’s current upstream maintainer, works at Red Hat) private GitHub to the GitHub of OpenPrinting, but Zdenek continues as upstream maintainer.
cups: Sponsored upload for a CUPS SRU posted by Dariusz Gadomski, to fix an issue with PreserveJobHistory and PreserveJobLog settings in cupsd.conf.
network-manager: Unfortunately, no one of the reporters of the regressions on the Bionic SRU answered my request for log files. they only answered earlier that adding the systemd SRU from my PPA did not solve the problem.
network-manager: Started investigating autopkg test failure in Eoan.
Google Summer of Code 2019: Mentoring student on making pdftoraster filter of cups-filters not using unstable Poppler APIs any more. Student is much ahead of time and will finish early. Probably we will give him some additional task.
I have the basic REST interface hooked into snap userd with some unit tests. I am still working on the spread test to ensure everything gets installed correctly and works on target platforms. I’ll hopefully get the PR up tomorrow.
snapd layouts/mount bug:
While working on a snap, I wanted to have theme data from gtk-common-themes appear under /usr/share/themes. This involved using a content interface plug to mount it under $SNAP/share/themes, then use layouts to bind $SNAP/share/themes to /usr/share/themes. This worked, but resulted in a snap that could not be upgraded: snapd would throw an error when trying to update the mount namespace during the upgrade.
I managed to simplify the bug down to a minimal version using only layouts at bug #1831010, which was enough for @zyga to fix in snapd PR #6937.
WA Day:
Monday was a public holiday in Western Australia. Went to the SOTA festival to see John Butler.